Moonlit Confessions

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Tonight was the night.

Azu had gone out of her way to make sure there was nothing that could possibly interrupt her plan, using the daytime hours to get everything she had needed to do finished; including visiting both Jel and Reth earlier on, to keep them from expecting her. It was nearly time; the moons were beginning to rise in the sky, and she knew that by now, Jel would be walking to the Lagoon, while Reth worked his shift in the Underground.

Looking at the two Heartdrop Lilies carefully stowed away in her bag, Azu took a deep breath, and started on her way out. She was more nervous than she thought she would be; her heart was racing as she jumped down from the cliff-side and began to glide toward the Lagoon, and as she dropped down to start running along the edge of the water, she bit her lip in anticipation. She slowed down as she got to the bridges, not wanting to seem too rushed as she giggled under her breath, watching the way his brows furrowed as he turned to look at her.

"Azuriela..?" Jel murmured as she came up to him, eyeing the little grin she had on her face. She always looked radiant in the moonlight; but something about the way her vivid magenta eyes sparkled tonight was...brighter, than usual. He couldnt help but think that with the way the shined, they almost matched the glistening of flow around Bahari's forests.. "Are you unable to sleep?"

"Well, actually.." she bit her lip as she came to stand with him on the little island, admiring him for a moment as she focused on what she wanted to say. "I stayed up so that I could come see you." Azu blushed a bit, chuckling at how scandalous it sounded. Her smile widened when he blushed too, his eyes widening a bit at the notion, his lips curling into a shy smile.

"Oh..!" Jel chuckled breathlessly back at her, reaching up to rub his neck as he tried to meet her eyes. "I-I'm always delighted to have your company.." he managed airily, trying to calm his racing heart. It would prove pointless, though, when she began to speak to him, her cheeks tinting a light rose color as one of her hands reached up to thread her fingers into her hair, twisting a lock around her index finger while the other reached for her bag..

"That's good, because Ive been thinking.." Azu paused to find the stems in her bag as she let her hand fall from her hair to rest on her shoulder. "I really like you, Jel; I think you're passionate, inspiring, and you're so talented that I can hardly understand why you dont see what I see.." she bit her lip, watching his expression shift from a shy smile to an awestruck bewilderment as she pulled one of the Heart Lilies out, holding it up against her chest as she grinned at him. "I want to understand you better, though; and i-if Im not being too forward or moving too fast, here.. I want to be closer to you.." she finished, letting her eyes shift down to the flower in her hand before she held it out to him, meeting his wide eyes with a look of complete adoration. "Would you let me..?"

The man had to find his thoughts again to try and answer her, his gaze transfixed on the smile on her face, and the Lily in her hand. He nearly wanted to pinch himself as he managed to take a breath, the heat of his cheeks alerting him that he must have been blushing as he shyly stepped closer to her, delicately taking hold on the Lily. "'s for me?" he breathed, breaking into an elated smile as he looked at the softly glowing flower. "Oh, my muse." he sighed, lifting his head to meet her eyes again as he reached out to hold her face, watching her lean into his touch and savoring the moment as his feelings for her welled up to the surface. "Long have I spent sleepless nights tormented over what I should do. What sort of gift could possibly express my affection? A flower can wilt, food go sour.." Jel whispered, chuckling as her hand shifted from her shoulder to hold his against her face, making his skin tingle with warmth.. "And here you are, cutting through my apprehension with such decisive action. Yes, of course I will accept this; never in my wildest dreams could I imagine denying you.."

"Thank the Dragon because I dont know what I would have done.." Azu sighed happily, giggling sweetly up at him as they stood chest to chest under the night sky.

Jel laughed airily with her, letting his arms shift lower to hold her waist, keeping the lily in his hand even as he held her close, sighing as she reached up to wrap herself around him, threading her fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck. Being this close to her felt right; he could have stayed there forever, breathing her in and sinking into the feeling of her warmth, had there not been a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, reminding him that he wasnt the only one who wanted this.. It took him more willpower than he would have liked to admit to do it, but he did manage to pull himself away from her just enough to look her in the eyes, his brow furrowing a bit.

Azu's expression mirrored him as she got confused, tilting her head a bit. "Is something wrong..?"

Jel smiled, but it didnt change the worry in his eyes as he shook his head at her lightly. "No, nothing my dear, I must know that Reth adores you too, right..?" he sighed, "Of course, Im elated that you return my feelings but I...I dont want to see him hurt, either.."

She didnt mean to sigh in relief, but hearing Jel show concern for the local Chef settled a lot of the worries she'd had about the two of them being against the idea of being in a poly-relationship with her. She giggled at the confusion on Jel's face, shyly smiling as she let her hands rest on his shoulders. "Well, I actually wanted to talk to you about that, too.." she started, tilting her head a bit as she furrowed his brow at him. "You're right, I did know that both of you had feelings for me.." she paused to smile a little as she remembered how awkward Reth had been after he'd told her he 'wouldnt mind' if she flirted with him. "And, if Im entirely honest...I return those feelings for both of you, too.."

Jel could tell by the way she searched his face that he was expecting him to react in upset or disgust; but all he felt in that moment was relieved, echoing her earlier sigh as he grinned and pulled her close again. "That's wonderful to hear, actually. I know you have more than enough love for the both of us, my muse.." he chuckled, giving her a squeeze as she relaxed again. "Do you plan on telling him soon..? I cant help but think he would be overjoyed, what with the way he talks about you to Tish and I.."

"As soon as I can get a moment with him alone, but we both know how hard that is with Reth." Azu giggled sweetly as she nuzzled her nose against his shoulder, resting her forehead there a moment. "I'm glad you're alright with it...I hated the idea of having to choose between you.."

"Mmm.." Jel sighed as he let his hand wander down from her waist to the small of her back, resting there as he enjoyed the way she all but melted into him. "We hated it too, darling, believe me. Im so glad you didnt.." he chuckled, meeting her eyes as she lifted her head to look at him. "So beautiful.." he whispered without meaning to, but he didnt dare take it back; not when her cheeks flared with that adorable pink color again.

"So are you.." Azu smiled lovingly at him, biting her lip in anticipation when his hand cupped her cheek again, closing her eyes as he leaned in. His lips were as soft as she'd thought they'd be, but his hands were more adventurous than she'd expected from the artist; exploring the length of her torso as they turned one kiss into three. They only seemed to settle when they pulled away just enough to breathe, their noses still resting against each other when she opened her eyes.

Jel bit his lip to keep himself from grinning as he held her so intimately, his hands against the small of her back and the swell of her hip keeping her close. Their kiss put any that Jel had ever had before to shame; everything about this moment with her felt magical, and he knew there would be nights to come he'd spend playing it back in his head like something out of a tale..

Azu giggled at the way he looked at her lips, seeming to silently ask if he was allowed another with the shy smile he gave her when he realized he'd been caught. She didnt hesitate to close the gap for him, gently pulling him closer by the nape of his neck as she pushed up onto her toes, leaning into him for support.

Jel tightened his hold on her to keep her balanced, blushing when she hummed against his lips in response, muffled by them. He had to hold in a sigh as he kissed her deeper, trying to memorize the feeling of her body pressed against his. He wasnt sure how many they'd shared by the time he finally had to pull away to take a ragged breath; but he knew it wasnt enough. He let out a chuckle at the thought, letting her lean against his shoulders, swaying with him slightly in the soft light of the now-risen moons. They hadnt so much as touched tongues, and already, he could not get enough of her..

His only solace was knowing they would have plenty of nights under the stars to come.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now