Let Them Talk

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"Heard you gotch' yerself some tail last night kid~" Zeki teased as he passed Reth on his way to the Inn, laughing when the young man's face turned bright red and he spun around to look at him. The Gremilkin rose a brow at him knowingly, laughing again when Reth opened his mouth to say something only to shut it again, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. "Dont worry, I wont hold it over ya; but I'll tell ya the same thing I told your girlfriend; warn me first next time, so I'm not wonderin' where ya went!" he laughed, shaking his head at the youngster as he continued on his way.

Before Reth could even start to try and process what just happened, he saw Azu coming down the street too; no doubt also on her way to Jel's to meet them for dinner; and he found himself scrambling to calm himself down as she noticed him. "Hey-" he smiled, sending Azu his best 'what did you do' glare as she came up to hug him, leaning down to whisper to her. "What did you tell Zeki to get me off the hook, exactly??"

"Ohhh, that's why you're blushing!" Azu laughed, watching him reel back to look at her wide eyed. "I told him you were too busy going down on me to go down to the underground~" she smirked, watching the way his blush deepened again; it wasnt exactly a lie, after all, and he didnt need to know what her real conversation with the grimalkin had entailed.

"Azu-" Reth breathed out an exasperated sigh, reaching up to cover his face with both hands as he somehow blushed even deeper. "Oh my dragon-"

"What~? It got you off the hook, didnt it?" she grinned at him, reaching up to pull his hands away from his face so she could see him; giggling when he halfheartedly glared at her. "Relax, babe, even if he tells someone else I dont care~"

Reth's gaze softened at her, self consciously glancing around the square as people passed them by. "You're okay with that..?"

"I dont know how many more times I have to say it, but yes." Azu rolled her eyes at him, smiling sweetly. "I am completely fine with people knowing that we're together; or I wouldnt be holding you in the middle of town square~"

Reth groaned at her teasing, letting her take his hand and finally walk over to Jel's shop, leading him inside. Jel was already standing and waiting for them as they came in; and he couldnt help but relax as the taller Majiri wrapped his arms around the two of them, letting each of them slip an arm around his waist.

"Hello, you two~" Jel chuckled as the two of them relaxed into his arms, tilting his head down to kiss the tops of their heads. He didnt miss the way Reth's ears still turned red; even less used to getting affection from him than he was getting it from Azu.

"Hello, my darling~" Azu couldnt help but smile as she let her head rest against Jel's shoulder, watching Reth try to hide his blush in the man's neck as they giggled at him. As she watched him, an idea popped into her mind; making her grin wildly as she watched his reaction to what she was about to ask. "Hey, Jel~?"

The man furrowed his brow, letting the two of them back away a bit to take hold of his hands instead, letting him half-sit against the counter behind him. "What is it, my muse?"

"Are you okay with people knowing that you, Reth, and I are together~?"


Jel couldnt help but laugh as he watched the two of them; Azuriela's warm laugh joining his to fill the air as Reth shot her a glare of halfhearted betrayal, before turning to shyly meet his eyes. "I would hope that most people already know; I havent exactly been secretive about it. In fact I told my mother that I was dating the both of you, even.."

Reth's eyes widened a bit in shock, furrowing his brow. "Wait, really-?"

Jel rose his brow at the disbelief in his voice, sharing a soft smile with Azu as he realized why she had asked. "In case it wasnt obvious, Reth, you are my boyfriend. Perhaps Im not quiet as close to you as you are to Azu, yet, but I do care about you; and if people have something to say about that, oh well; let them talk." he hummed, leaning in to leave a soft kiss on the shorter elf's cheek. "This wouldnt be the same without you here, too."

Reth couldnt have kept it together if he tried; he'd barely started to get used to the idea that Azu cared about him; and now both of them were looking at him like that, like he was something worthy of being admired..! How could he have held back the tears that welled in his eyes, when Jel's hand reached up to wipe them away, and Azu shifted to step in between them, cuddling into his chest as Jel's arm wrapped around her to rub his back? How could he do anything but sink into the feeling of comfort the two of them gave him, letting a few of his tears fall and letting out a shaking breath, at the feeling of the stress in his chest melting away? He couldnt help it.

Azu had told him that Reth wasnt as secure as he acted; and even if Jel hadnt had his own suspicions before they got together, seeing the chef like this was all the proof he needed that they had all mastered the art of faking a smile; and that he was starting to be able to pick up on when the two of them used theirs. "If I'd only known this was weighing on you, I'd have been a bit more direct.." Jel chuckled, as he left another kiss on Reth's forehead; raising a brow when the chef furrowed his. "Do I need to kiss you to prove it~? I will~" he teased; laughing a little when Reth's face turned bright red again.

Reth didnt know what to do about the way his heart raced in his chest; but he knew what to do with his lips, when Jel closed the distance between them; trapping Azu in between their bodies to lean down and kiss him softly, his hand still cupping the side of his face, where he'd been wiping away his tears. He knew how to kiss back, even as the butterflies in his stomach fluttered around at the feeling of how soft Jel's lips were on his..

Azu smirked as she left a little kiss on Reth's shoulder, giggling softly as she got smooshed between the two of them. Even when she heard them sigh, they didnt move; Jel's arm keeping the three of them pressed close to each other while Reth's shyly reached out to do the same, caging her between them as they both rested their heads; Jel's against the top of her head, and Reth's tucked against her shoulder. "See? I told you~ We want you to be happy with us.." she whispered to the chef, grinning when she saw Jel start to lightly rub his side. "You arent going to get left behind, babe.."

"Definitely not." Jel added, leaving a kiss on Azu's head before he leaned down a little further to leave one on Reth's. "Im afraid you're stuck with us darling."

Reth could feel his ears burning as he blushed under their attention; shyly grumbling against Azu's shoulder, unable to bring himself to look up at them. "I dont mind being stuck with you.."

The two of them chuckled at him; but they didnt tease him more, letting him calm down just in time to let him go with his cheeks a reasonable shade of pink, when Tish walked in for dinner. Slowly, it was settling in for Reth that he had found himself in the arms of two people who wanted him; they didnt just tolerate him...and he wondered, for a moment, if he could stay with them like this forever.

He wouldnt mind that, either..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now