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"Good morning Jel!"

The tailor paused in his embroidering, glancing up from the red thread he'd started using to make a fingertip-sized heart in the bottom left corner of Reth's apron; furrowing his brow when he noticed Miles grinning as she came over to his counter. It wasnt the first time his girlfriend's younger sister had come into the shop; in fact the younger, mocha skinned human girl had purchased quite a few things from his collections, on top of the personal designs that she'd brought to him for commissions; sketches she had done herself, that had resulted in a long kimono skirt with slit thighs that nearly went up to her waist, as well as a lace up, leather corset style top. "Miles; what can I do for you?" he hummed, raising a brow.

"I actually just wanted your advice this time." Miles laughed a little as she pulled out her sketchbook, flipping it open to the drawing of the piece she was working on and showing it to him the designs for the long, swishy circle skirt. "Im pretty sure I can make it myself, but I wanted to ask if you would use a button for the waist, or if I should go with a belt instead?"

"Hmm.." Jel hummed as he set his own project down for a moment, before taking the sketch from her; looking at it for a few moments before handing it back. "A belt would work nicely, and you'd be able to adjust if you wear it low waisted or high waisted that way.." he murmured. He furrowed his brow a little as he watched her take it and mutter a thank you, wondering for a moment if the silver-eyed girl might be able to help him with some advice, too.. "Miles?"

"Hm?? Whats up?"

"Did...did your sister ever wear similar things to the designs you've had me make..?" Jel blushed a bit, thinking about Azu wearing something like a corset top..

Miles nearly grinned ear to ear at the question, trying her best to hold in her gremlin cackling even if a few giggles managed to escape, her brows raising at him playfully. "Well-" her grin became a lopsided smirk, and she met the tailor's eyes. "If you mean did she used to wear a lot of skirts, the answer is still no; but if you mean did she used to show a lot of skin, that answer would be a yes~" Miles smirked even wider when the man blushed deeper, cackling in her head as she tried to decide which of Azu's iconic looks she should tell him about first. "Azu totally used to be a beach babe, she wore mesh tops and hotpants over bikinis all the time~"

Jel's brow furrowed his brow a little at the mental image that came to mind; taking a deep breath as he sat up a little straighter, wondering just how short her shorts used to be.. "..Mesh tops..?" he finally asked, furrowing his brow a bit; it wasnt a term he was familiar with; did she mean lace..?

"Yeah, like-" Miles paused, realizing that she hadnt really seen anyone wearing anything like it before. "Its the super thin, almost transparent fabric they use to make lace designs, before they actually use it for lace; people even bedazzled them with pearls or gemstones, too. Sometimes she'd wear fishnet tops the same way; just, over her bikinis~"

Jel took in a slow breath through his nose, trying not to let his mind immediately run off with ideas and concepts as he put together what she meant; such a garment had no purpose other than aesthetic, and yet...the idea was enticing, he could admit. He had to reach up take his glasses off for a moment as he calmed his rampant fantasies, before giving Miles a smile through the blush on his cheeks, trying not to be awkward as he lined up his next question. "I you think she...she might want to wear something like that a-again, if I were to make it for her..? She and Reth r-recently gave me permission to-" he choked a little when he tried to admit it, having to shyly look away as he bit his lip. "T-to make things I-I'd like to see them in.."

"Eheheheheheh~" Miles chuckled lowly as she grinned, wiggling in place to expel her excitement as she nodded so hard she was almost headbanging. "Definitely, definitely, and not just because she'd wanna see how you and Reth react~" she laughed, watching Jel's face turn even darker as she put her sketchbook away. "If you want something a liittle less revealing to start with though, you could totally make her a dress for when she, Kenyatta and I go party in the city to celebrate her choosing her path, here soon? She used to kill it in a halter neck bodycon, when she did dress up~"

"Ooh-" Jel couldnt stop the muse of interest at the thought of Azuriela in a bodycon dress, either; picturing the way the skirt would drape against her legs and hug her hips.. He shook the thought away to meet Miles' eyes again; staring at the smirking young woman for a moment before smiling sheepishly. "I'll start with something for that, then; thank you, Miles."

"You dont need to, since it'll make my big sister happy, but your welcome anyways~" Miles chirped as she started to skip out, calling over her shoulder. "Im off to help Tish and Azu, have fun concepting! Oh, and by the way-" she paused, turning around in the doorway for a moment to send him a cheeky grin. "Azu's lipgloss looks good on you~!" she laughed, finally waving at him as she bounded off down the steps, back up the street toward Tish's store.

Jel had to take a moment to just collect his thoughts as he was left shyly grinning to himself, his mind racing with ideas for what sort of designs he might make inspired by that talk; it was difficult to force himself to focus back on the project at hand, when he kept picturing how good she would look in just about anything she wore. As he took up Reth's near-finished apron and the needle he'd been stitching away with, though, he was able to smile and calm down at the thought of first giving the chef his gift; hoping that it would serve as a small reminder that he was loved even on his longest nights, as he once again started working on the red embroidery of his name, and the two little hearts on either side of it..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now