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It was still night out when they finally got out of the water, able to stay dry thanks to the leather of their boots. Jel smiled as he took her hand, bringing it up to his lips to lightly kiss her knuckles before he spoke. "What else have you planned, my muse~?"

"This way~" Azu grinned as she lead Jel over to the nearby rock outcropping, to the second part of their date; and the part she'd needed Tish's advice for. She let go of his hand to jump onto the shortest part of the small cliff, swinging her body weight forward to jump and catch the ledge, vaulting herself up.

Jel watched her go, eyeing the way the pants he's made for her shifted with the intense movements, perfectly fitted against her as she scaled the ridge like it was nothing. He had to blush a bit when she turned around to offer her hand to him; realizing for a moment as she helped him climb up that if this were a fairy tale, he was the prince in this situation; and she, his daring knight. He chuckled to himself at the thought as she turned and climbed another section, repeating the process of leaning down to grab his hand, pulling him up with her.

"What~?" Azu giggled as he came to stand with her, raising a brow as she led him around the winding juniper tree that grew atop the cliff, over to the little picnic she had set up beneath it..

Jel's gaze softened again when he saw it; her white and pale blue picnic blanket, a pillow and a black spare blanket folded neatly atop it resting on one corner, while a basket and a bottle of mead rested on another. It had been placed to face out into the cove; giving them a view of the sky and sea even if they were to lay down. "Oh, just realizing that I'm the one being swept off my feet here.." Jel chuckled airily, turning to smile at her sheepishly. "I call myself a romantic, and yet here you are, planning such a perfect night.."

"It'll only be perfect when we watch the sunrise; which is why I brought breakfast~" Azu giggled softly, pushing up onto her toes to kiss him before she turned to the picnic, taking a seat. She waited until he joined her to grab the pillow, setting them behind them before grabbing the blanket, too; unfolding it and smiling up at him as she raised a brow. "I figured we can lay together for now, though; it'll still be a couple of hours before then~"

Jel smiled, biting his lip as he watched her shift to lay down, throwing the blanket over herself before holding it up for him to join her. He took his vest off before he did so; folding it neatly and setting it aside, along with his ascot and glasses, and then shifted to lay beside her, letting his head rest back on the pillow as she tossed the cover of him as well, before shifting closer to him and resting an arm over his waist.

Azu hummed contently as she settled into him, biting her lip as Jel shifted to rest on his side, his hand settling on the dip of her waist and starting to gently rub her exposed mid drift. She didnt have to look up at him to know what he wanted; but she was glad she did, because the look of desire in his sapphire eyes made her feel so gorgeous.

Jel couldnt help himself as he leaned in to kiss her; all of the things he felt for her spurred him on, and the memory of her promise to let him leave his own marks on her soft skin kept him from listening to the gentleman he knew he should be; and he let his tongue prod at her bottom lip, all but demanding to taste her.

She didnt hesitate to let him in; tangling her tongue with his as his hand slid down her body to hold her hip, pulling her as close as he could. His hands were slender compared to Reth's; their muscles toned in different ways from the work they each did; and as a result his touch felt different, too. Where Reth had gripped and groped her, Jel's hands instead rubbed her, trailing his fingers across her body as if he were trying to memorize her curves..

He was more forward than Reth, too; lacking the chefs hesitation as he carefully pushed against her hip to roll her onto her back; shifting with her and pulling away from her lips to settle over her, resting one of his knees between her thighs. He sighed heavily as her hands reached up to pull him into her, letting him settle his weight against her body, and onto his elbow, next to her waves of her aqua colored hair splayed out across the pillow..

Jel shuddered as her hands drifted across his body, one of them settling on his shoulder blade while the other reached up, holding the nape of his neck as fingers threaded into his hair. He let his attention shift to her neck; eyeing the way her pale skin glowed in the moonlight before he leaned in to taste it; laying a couple of open mouthed kisses across the left side of her neck, before he sunk his teeth into her, taking his turn to mark her..

Azu gasped at the feeling of pain mixing into her pleasure, biting her lip as the man on top of her sucked on her neck, his tongue following after his teeth as he let her go, leaving a soft kiss over the area he'd just bruised. He was rougher than she expected, as his mouth found another spot to taste; the way he bit into her making her tense and moan, furrowing her brow and tugging lightly on the roots of his hair.

"Mmm-" Jel hummed against her skin at the feeling, letting go of her to sigh and run his open hand along her side before he found another spot to bite her, trailing kisses across her skin before taking another patch of it between his teeth. He felt her hand drift from his side up his chest; but just as he worried that he'd bitten her too hard, he felt her fingers deftly trying to unbutton his shirt, and her hip shifted in his hand as her leg came up to rest against his hip.

Azu smiled sheepishly as he leaned back to look at her in surprise, pausing her task as she met his eyes. "Is this okay..?" she hummed, gently fiddling with the button in her fingers..

Jel let out a heavy breath, swallowing as he nodded at her; letting his fingertips trace her thighs along the outer seams of her pants, while she busied herself with unbuttoning his shirt. He shuddered at the intimate way she touched him, once his skin was exposed her her; trailing her fingers down his chest and exploring the length of his sides, as she leaned up to nip at his ear lobe; taking his earring into her mouth and toying with it using her tongue. "Ahh.."

Azu took in a deep breath at the sound of his moan, eagerly dragging her nails against his hips and smirking when he twitched in her hold. She shifted to kiss his neck, smiling against his skin as she felt his hand coax her to lock her leg around his hip; using it to pull him closer as her hands teased the band of his pants..

The Majiri man had to hiss though his teeth when she took her turn to mark him; painting his skin with her tongue to soothe it. He let his hand slip against her, sliding down her hip to finally grab her ass; blushing wildly when she gasped against his neck and arched her back, moaning softly into his ear.

"Jel..!" Azu whispered, biting her lip as he groaned lowly, his mouth eagerly finding her neck again as he massaged her flesh in his hand.

His head spun hearing her gasp his name like that; like a curse falling from her tongue. He wanted to hear more, as he nipped at her skin and leaving a series of smaller, lighter hickies down her shoulder; and he reveled in the way she let out another breathy sigh, letting her weight settle into his hand.

"Hah~" Azu sighed as he groped her, squeezing her ass as she relaxed, letting him have his way as they laid together under the stars. A liberty he took eagerly, letting his lips wander further down to her collar bone, where he ghosted tongue across the edge of her low-shoulder top. "Mmm~"

Jel only looked up at her again when she giggled breathlessly, smiling coyly at her as he came back up to steal a kiss. "What's so amusing, my muse~?"

"Oh, just.." Azu bit her lip as she giggled again, letting herself get lost in the deep blue of his eyes for a moment as her hands slid up his sides, trailing her nails across his skin and watching his brow furrow at the feeling. His skin was so soft; and even if he wasnt as muscular as Reth, she could tell he took good care of himself. "You're more forward than I expected; I can hardly believe you're the same Jel who gets shy when I flirt with him~"

Jel blushed at her words, grinning sheepishly at her. "Do you want me to stop..?"

"No~" Azu smirked, one of her hands coming up to cup his cheek, brushing her thumb across his cheekbone. "I like it~"

Jel let out a pleased sigh as she met his lips again, kissing her deeply as their tongues found each other. He didnt want to stop; her body felt so right against his, and even if he knew better than to go too far, he didnt want to let her go..

So he didnt; if she would let him lay with her in such an intimate manner until the sun came up, he would stay in her arms all night..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now