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Leaving them that night had felt like agony; the childish parts of himself kicking and screaming as he'd dragged himself up out of bed to get dressed and get out the door for work.

Coming back to them that morning, though, felt like bliss.

Reth let out a heavy sigh as he practically threw his coat onto the chair, kicking off his shoes and trying to be quiet as he stripped off his shirt and pants; eyeing the two of them as he furrowed his brow a little, wanting to try and memorize how gorgeous they were. He was already relaxing from all the stress work put on him, when he went to lay down with them; but he tensed up in surprise when Azu's eyes opened just before he could sit down, and she reached out to stop him with a grumbly little groan.

"No-" Azu huffed as she'd noticed Reth's boxers, glaring at his hips before looking up at him; pouting a little in her sleepy state.

"No??" Reth blinked at her in confusion, raising a brow as he tried to figure out why she was upset.

"No clothes allowed." she demanded, letting her hand slide down his chest and lightly tug at his boxers. "Off-"

"If you dont remove them we will, darling.." Jel yawned as he blinked awake, stirred from his slumber by their voices; pressing a gentle kiss against Azu's shoulder as he joined her complaints, expectantly gazing up at Reth.

Reth couldnt stop himself from smiling when he let out a breathy chuckle at them, standing back up to take his underwear off. "Better~?" he laughed a little as he crawled into bed with them, blushing when Azu hummed and nodded, pressing herself up against him as her arms wrapped around his neck, and Jel reached over her to grab his ass.

"Much~" Jel smirked a little as he squeezed him, before letting his hand drift back to its place on Reth's hip; pinning him against Azu as she started to rub the chef's tense shoulders and neck. He sighed in content as Reth melted into them; letting his thumb gently brush across the chef's skin as they relaxed in the early morning light that was starting to stream through the windows. It was only 5:35AM, according to the clock on Azu's wall; they still had plenty of time to get some more rest before they needed to be up.

Something Reth was thankful for, when he almost instantly started to doze back off under their affection; even if he almost teared up again, as he sank into the comfort of their embrace; dreading a time when he wouldnt have it...

Azu hummed as she eyed the scab on her side when they got up to get dressed a few hours later; running her fingers along it as she considered how much longer it would take to heal at this rate. "I think after this weekend I'll be healed enough that the two of you can go back to work.." she murmured, pulling her tank top on and grabbing a pair of her pants for the day before turning to glance at them; her bottom lip pouting a bit when she saw the frowns they were both giving her. "Awwe, babes~ I promise Im not going far; I'll even hang around town all day if it helps. I just want to start a few new projects, and I dont want the two of you to miss too much work.."

Reth let out a deep sigh as he buttoned his jeans and turned to her, resting his hands on his hips as he watched her slip into her skintight pants. He wanted to argue; half because she wasnt completely healed yet, and half because he didnt want to leave; but he knew he couldnt avoid it forever; he didnt live here, as much as he wished he did.. "You promise you'll be careful..?"

"I will be," Azu smiled as she came over to them, smiling as she reached out to hold Reth, and Jel came to stand behind her, pinning her between their still shirtless forms. "Besides, its not like I can do any cliff climbing just yet~ Im not going out to Bahari for another week or so, I just want to gather some wood and do a little hunting around the valley. You two can still stay here whenever you want even after Im healed though, you know that right~?" she giggled, watching Reth's brow furrow at her.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora