Check Ins

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It was about half past noon when the first knock came to Azu's door; making her look up from where she'd been lounging against Reth's chest, curled up on the couch with them. She watched Jel stand up and sighed, resting her head against Reth's collarbone as she watched him go to answer it; knowing at this point that they were dead set on doing everything for her, for the next couple of days.

Jel wasnt all too surprised to find Miles, Kenyatta and Nai'o standing on the front steps when he opened the door; each carrying a basket of something, as they smiled at him. "Hello, you three; come in.." he hummed, standing aside to let them inside, chuckling a little when he saw the nervous look on their faces.

"Is she okay?? Mom said she was but I- Kenyatta told me it was a hunting accident, right?" Nai'o furrowed his brow as he came into the house; taking a second to look around since he'd never been to Azuriela's home before.

"She's alright, she's just in the sitting area with Reth." Jel hummed back, waving them to follow him as he walked to the tearoom. "And yes; it was a sernuk.."

"I brought more of that tea mixture that Chayne gave you for the pain; we both hope it helps." Kenyatta smiled as she saw the azure haired human in question, eagerly walking over to set the basket on the side table, before crouching down to give the girl a little hug even if it meant shoving her arm in between her and Reth. "I was so worried about you, dont freak us out like that again!"

"Yeah, sis, you have way more people to worry about you this time~" Miles laughed a little, setting her own basket down on the coffee table. "I brought you some cookies, and Nai'o brought you something to; so you better get well fast with all these gifts, okay?"

"I-Its nothing much, just some fruit from the farm; mom and pa will be over with Auni later to see you, too; Auni got worried sick when he heard you got hurt.." The farmer chuckled awkwardly, setting the basket next to Miles' as he furrowed his brow at Azu. He wasnt as close to her as Kenyatta, but he definitely considered her a good friend; and it'd shocked him to hear the news, too. "You're really okay?? No broken bones or anything?"

"Ugh, not you guys too-" Azu sighed as she gave Kenyatta a squeeze, feeling Reth gently push her back to help her sit up so she could hug Miles, too. "Everybody's acting like I died, geez-"

"Because you almost did!" Kenyatta rolled her eyes indignantly, standing up and moving over to sit on one of the armchairs. "When I asked him about it Chayne told me that if you'd lost any more blood you would have passed out way before you made it to town, so excuuse us for being a little shaken!" she teased her bestie, shaking her head at the woman. "I know you're like, super strong and cool, but you are still mortal."

"Bleeeeh, mortality sucks." Azu rolled her eyes, but she couldnt help but smile; she was glad they all cared.. "I appreciate it, you guys; thanks for coming to check in on me.."

"Of course; you're like, one of the only people Im comfortable talking to, so it'd really suck to lose you." Nai'o laughed a little, sitting down on the armchair opposite of Kenyatta, letting Jel finally get past him to take his seat on Azu's other side again. "Im glad you're both here to help her out, too; ma was real worried about her movin' around on her own."

"Oh, I havent let her." Reth chuckled, rolling his eyes when Azu groaned about it. "She keeps trying to, and we keep having to tell her to knock it off~"

"Im restless!" Azu huffed, plopping her head back against his shoulder and whining. "They wont even let me stand up Miles, help!"

"Why would I do that, dear sister?" Miles snorted as she took a seat on the arm of Kenyatta's chair, giggling softly when Azu huffed, pouted, and crossed her arms. "Honestly Im surprised you arent throwing temper tantrums at this point; you're pouting harder than when you got chickenpox and mom wouldnt let you get out of bed~"

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now