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"Azu, hey!" Kenyatta grinned as she saw the aqua-haired woman run up the steps into city hall, tilting her head a little. "Good to see you out and about again; how are you feeling?"

"Im doing good; the medicine you and Chayne gave me helped speed up the process a ton, I think." She giggled, coming over to the register and raising a brow. "Im here to buy another two crafting licenses; Im gonna build two more preserves jars."

"More??" Kenyatta gave her a suspicious stare, smirking a little. "What are you planning on doing with all this money you're making, anyway~?" she laughed a little, turning around to start digging through documents for her to grab the permits.

"Spoil the shit out of my boyfriends and our little sisters, obviously~" Azu laughed; almost to used to coming up with reasons other than her real motive, by now.

"Alright, fine; keep your secrets~" Kenyatta giggled as she sent her a knowing, playful glare; taking Azu's gold before handing her the documents. "Hey, while you're here...can I ask you something, about that little sis of yours..?"

Azu perked up damn near instantly; raising her brow at the soft tone in Kenyatta's voice. "Yeah, whats up?"

"Is she like...always kind of a lost puppy..? She keeps spending hours just...hanging around with Nai'o or I, sometimes both of us, and I...I mean I definitely dont mind! She's funny, and she's kinda sweet, I just...I dont know, Nai'o and I talked about it and I think we're both sorta attracted to her, yknow..? I just want to know if you think she'd be into...well, both of us..? Kinda like how you're with Jel and Reth..?"

Azu tried to hold in her excitement but she couldnt stop herself from letting out a joyful giggle; wiggling in place for a moment to expel the energy, before she met Kenyatta's eyes. "Oh, Im almost positive; I mean she is kinda always like that to people she considers her friends, but she got so upset when she found out from Reth that you were taken that she ran up to me almost crying about how she nearly got herself rejected; Im not as sure how she feels about Nai'o, but Im pretty damn sure she'd be open to giving things a shot with the two of you if you talked to her about it~"

"Damn, really?" Kenyatta laughed a little as she imagined it; leaning against the counter as she smiled. "Okay...I'll talk to Nai'o later, and maybe we'll ask her if she'd wanna try things out.." she bit her lip for a moment, before sighing. "Thanks, Azu. You're like, totally my best friend here in the valley."

"Awe, Yatta.." Azu smiled, coming around the counter to give the taller woman a hug. "You're mine too, yknow. Actually...speaking of.." she hummed, furrowing her brow a little as she pulled away to tilt her head at the majiri. "If you're up for it, Eshe keeps bugging me about that whole Acceptance Ceremony thing; would you maybe wanna be my Shepp?"

Kenyatta's face nearly split in her grin, squealing a little as she gave the girl a squeeze. "Oh my gosh, really..!? I though for sure you were gonna ask Jel, or maybe Tish; I'd love to!"

"Oh I told Jel I was thinking about asking you like, a month ago." Azu laughed, remembering the night fondly as she squeezed her back. "We were actually thinking that since its just gonna be us townsfolk, it might be a fun time to wear that dress that Jel made for you; I might even have him make something for me so we can both look killer, hahaha~"

"Oooh, that would be so much fun! Finally, a party I actually want to go to~" Kenyatta laughed, letting Azuriela pull away and head back around the counter while she turned to rest her hand on her hip. "Well, Im gonna guess you've got a whole list of other stops to make, so I'll let you go; come see me again soon though, okay? We still gotta plan that celebration night together with Miles~"

"Definitely~" Azu grinned as she headed out again, laughing a little to herself as she thought about all of the wonderful people she'd met since she'd been reborn...she'd do just about anything to keep them safe. That lingered in her mind when she walked into Tish's shop, next; smiling at the blonde, about to greet her when she noticed her own little sister also in the shop, over at the register. "He- Oh, Miles, you're here too? Well, hello there, little sisters~" she giggled, raising a brow when they both turned to beam at her.


"Azu! How are you today?" Tish giggled sweetly as the human woman came over to her, eyeing her for a moment. "You look like you're doing a lot better~"

"Oh I am~" Azu giggled, watching Miles come over to join them before she reached out to hug them both, grinning when they squeezed her and each other for a moment before they all backed away to chat. "Actually, Im feeling so good that I managed to collect a bunch of wood and copper to replace the materials that I'll use hopefully getting your help with a special project~?" she giggled, raising a brow at the carpenter. "I need an expert craftsman for the job~"

"Well I am at your service~!" She giggled, tilting her head. "What do you want to make?"

"A bigger bed." Azu deadpanned, blushing a little as she smiled and Miles instantly started to giggle like a gremlin. "Its a little crowded with all three of us on my bed, so.."

"Oh my-" Tish blushed a little too, giggling up a storm as she shook away thoughts of the three of them doing anything intimate; it was weird to picture, even if she was happy for her brother and her best friends. "I can certainly help, but I might need an extra hand; upholstering something big enough could be a little hard on my own."

"I can help too!" Miles chimed in, grinning ear to ear as she swayed like a reed in the breeze. "I might not be as good as you two but I can at least like, hold things in place." she giggled, before glancing at the door. "Does this mean Jel is back at his shop, though? I kinda need to ask him about something Im working on, too."

"Yeah, he's there~" Azu giggled, rolling her eyes a little since it was no doubt about another of her sister's risqué fashion design choices. "Why dont you go do that and come back when you're done? Tish and I will get started here."

"Sounds like a plan~! Thanks sissy!" Miles grinned, turning to run outside and down the street to see the tailor.

"Alright, let's get this started; do you know what style you'd like to upscale the size from~?" Tish giggled excitedly, heading over to her workbench with Azu.

"I'm thinking the ranch house set? Its what Ive got in the tearoom, now.." The woman hummed; smiling in content as she pulled out the wood planks, leather, cloth, and copper bars she'd pulled from her chest that morning; she hadnt known exactly what she'd need, after all. As she and Tish started to work on the project, she couldnt help but chuckle to herself; she was gonna do everything in her power to give them all the best life she could provide..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now