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Azu let out a content sigh as she relaxed in Jel's arms, watching the sky as the morning twilight began to paint the sky. They had stayed up all night; lost in conversation, cuddles, and kisses as the moons crossed the sky above them. At some point they had shifted to be spooning; Jel's arms keeping her back pressed up to his chest as he occasionally peppered her neck and shoulder with kisses and nips..

He was sure he'd never been quite so comfortable with someone. Any suitor he'd been with in the past could not hold a candle to her light; and he wondered for a moment, as they watched the sky begin to shift from pale yellow to vivid oranges and pinks, if it was too soon to call it 'love'..

Jel sighed at the thought, closing his eyes for a moment as he squeezed her, resting his head against hers as his lips lingered on her exposed shoulder. He wanted to call it love; and he was sure that had they been together longer, he wouldnt have second-guessed it at all. He couldnt stand the idea of saying it too soon, though; should she not say it back, he knew he may just burst into tears.

Azu hummed as he shifted up to kiss her jaw, turning her head to kiss him softly. When she met his eyes, she blushed a bit at the adoration in them; smiling brightly as she shifted in his arms to better look at him, leaning back into his body. "Are you getting hungry yet..?" she murmured, breaking their silence for the first time in awhile.

"A bit, yes." Jel chuckled at her, giving her another loving squeeze before he let her go, sitting up with her and blushing as their blanket fell, exposing his skin to the cool morning air. He watched her gaze fall from his face down to his chest, biting her lip as her eyes trailed even further down his body; before she moved in, shifting onto her knees to lean over him.

Her hands trailed up from his belt to his ribs, before slipping around his sides, underneath his still unbuttoned shirt to hold his back and shoulder as she kissed him; letting her tongue prod at his lips until she was granted access to his mouth. Azu couldnt help it; he looked so good in that moment, shyly smiling at her with his hair still mussed from their make out session; she had to taste him again.

Jel smiled breathlessly as she pulled away, raising a brow at her playfully. "That's not the sort of hungry I thought you meant, my muse, but I wouldnt mind more of that, either~" he chuckled, listening to the warm way she laughed as she held him.

"Oh you'll get plenty of that from here on, dont worry~" she hummed, before letting him go to reach for the picnic basket she had packed. "But we should eat something; we still have to walk back so that you'll be able to open your shop~"

"Must we?" Jel sighed, folding the blanket for her as he watched her pull out their breakfast; two plates of sushi, alongside a pitcher of some sort of juice, and a bowl of mixed berries.

"Well its your shop, so if you want to be late nobody can tell you not to~" Azu giggled back at him, smiling when he shyly bit his lip, starting to button his shirt back up to keep himself from getting cold. "I know you said you prefer oily anchovies when it comes to eating fish, but I hope golden-salmon is alright for sushi?"

"It's perfect, Azu, thank you." Jel smiled at he took one of the plates from her, shifting to set side by side with him as they overlooked the sunrise in the Cove..

Azu pulled two of her spare teacups from the basket, pouring them each a glass of her homemade apple juice; handing him one and setting the pitcher aside as they settled in. She giggled why he tried it and hummed, his brow furrowing at the flavor. "Like it? Im thinking about giving Reth the recipe."

Jel nodded as he set the cup down beside him, turning his head slightly to smile at her. "Its good, but what all is in it..? I cant help but think Im tasting something other than apple."

"I used sweet leaf that I reduced down into a syrup instead of just grain sugar, and I added a little bit of ground spice spouts to the process. Thats why it tastes almost like apple pie~"

"I see~" Jel chuckled at her as she began to eat; following her lead and taking a bite of the sushi he had no doubts she had also made herself. He couldnt help but feel a bit lucky; dating one cook was good luck, but dating two meant just about every meal he had was amazing. Which was wonderful, because he couldnt cook to save his life. "Im sure Reth would love it, too; he's always looking for new things to try."

"Ive been trying to recreate a couple of my old favorites for him, but they havent all gone so well." Azu laughed, leaning against Jel's shoulder. "I'll get them down though."

"Im sure you will my muse." he hummed, letting them fall back into a content silence as they ate, enjoying the colors of the sky and the warmth of her body next to his. They stayed that way, until the sun began to peek over the horizon; shimmering off of the ocean as they finished up and set their plates aside, and drawing Jel's attention back to the shallows. Whereas the night had made the water glitter with stars, the sun made it shine with ever-moving patterns; and he couldnt help but smile, thinking back to the poem shed written.

"It's gorgeous here at any time of day, isnt it?" he mused, sighing contently as she shifted to lay her head against his chest, letting him wrap his arm around her.

"Pretty much~" Azu giggled, letting herself relax against him. "Thats part of why I wanted to make sure you could stay here with me until morning."

"Part?" Jel echoed, peeking down at her and smirking at the coy grin she had on her face. "And the other 'part' of it~?"

"Kisses, obviously~" Azu grinned as she leaned up to catch his lips, kissing him deeply as his arm tightened around her waist.

He was happy to oblige, giving her another taste of him; humming at the lingering hints of apple, berries, and salmon on their tongues. He decided his shop could wait, as he carefully shifted to lay her back against the picnic blanket again, hovering over her as his lips found her neck. He could figure something out to say to anyone who might be waiting; he didnt want to go back just yet..

Azu wasnt stopping his advances, either.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now