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"Mmm.." Reth groaned at the early morning sun started to reach his eyes, rousing him just enough to open them. The first thing he registered was Azu's smile; that loving little grin that he was starting to get used to seeing on her face. She was still there, her head resting on his shoulder even though he had shifted at some point in the night to lay on his back. He took in a deep breath as he met her eyes, tightening his arm around her waist. "Good morning, Sweet Tooth.." he murmured, giving her a dreamy little smile.

"Good morning Trouble~" Azu giggled softly, letting her fingertip continue to trace little shapes on his chest as she leaned up to kiss him. He sighed against her lips, shifting to prop himself up on one elbow to meet her as his open hand came to cup her cheek. "Mm~" she smiled against his kiss, chasing after him when he went to pull away and stealing another.

He was a little breathless when she finally let him go a few more kisses later, admiring the cute peach shade of her cheeks as she caught her breath, too. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling like an idiot, knowing all too well that his cheeks were on fire; again.

"Well rested?" Azu grinned at him as she finally sat up, leaning on her open hand and keeping the one on his chest right where it was, even as he nodded and sat up with her. "Its not quite seven yet, so we still have some time to make breakfast together if you want?"

"You dont have to tend your crops..?" Reth furrowed his brow; even if the suggestion sounded nice, he didnt want to get in the way of her work.

"Yknow Badruu might do it, but that 'farmers rise at the crack of dawn' thing is a biit overused." Azu giggled, finally taking her hand off of him as she stood up and ran her fingers through her mussed hair. "As long as I get to them before the day ends, they'll be fine for awhile."

"Well, in that case~" Reth didnt stop himself from grinning as he got up with her, coming to meet her at the foot of the bed and leaning in to steal another little kiss. "Breakfast with you sounds amazing."

Azu grinned at the look in his eyes; not only did he not look quite so sleep deprived, but he looked so happy; and it gave her butterflies, knowing that he was happy because he woke up next to her. She giggled as she took his hand and lead him back into her kitchen, getting together some eggs, chappa meat, spicy peppers, potatoes and mushrooms; setting them all out as Reth got together a couple of her pans, a mixing bowl, and took a moment to admire her knife set next to the prep stations. She giggled when she turned to him, raising a playful brow. "If you wanna try them out you can handle the prep, and I'll handle the cooking~?" she giggled, lighting her oven to preheat it for the bacon once it was ready.

"Sure thing, Sweet Tooth~" Reth grinned back at her, flourishing the chefs knife in his hand and taking the ingredients she'd set out, starting by preparing the meat into thin strips. He heard her come to the second prep station behind him and start whisking something together; and he had to admit, it felt really nice to slip into a work flow with her. She whisked up the eggs, and by the time he was putting the bacon into the oven she was starting to cook them; so when he went back to chop up the mushrooms, potatoes and peppers, she was ready to step over and grab it before it could burn.

Azu was just setting the bacon down on the prep table to chop it into smaller bits for their egg scramble, when she saw Reth add their mix ins and give the eggs a stir for her. She giggled a little at how much quicker is all got done with both of them cooking, coming over to add the bacon and letting her arm slide around his waist, standing with him as he finished it off. As soon as he turned the stove off, though, she turned to grab a couple of plates from the cupboard above her sink.

Reth tried to remember the last time he actually managed to get breakfast in before work as he sat down with her, taking a couple of bites of the semi-spicy egg scramble. He was sure it had been nearly as long as it'd been since he'd gotten a whole sleep cycle in; and both were doing wonders to clear up the brain fog he'd been living in the last few months. His life was...actually looking up, for once. It felt too good to be true, and yet..

Azu rose a brow at him when he glanced over at her, that dreamy little smile on his face again; and she didnt need to be able to read minds to know he was still trying to tell himself that this was all real. She smiled at him, wordlessly adoring him as she reached over to rub his knee. It seemed to do the trick; his pink skin darkening to a red as his smile widened, making her giggle. "Still setting in that Im your girlfriend~?"

"Dragon," Reth breathed, laughing at how awkward he was as he picked at his eggs for a second, before grinning brightly at her. "Im your boyfriend~"

"Damn right." Azu pretended to nod sternly, but she couldnt keep a straight face; devolving into giggles with him as they enjoyed their slow morning. It didnt take them too much longer to finish their breakfast, and once the dishes were cleaned up and they had gotten dressed again, Azu set off with him; walking him to work with their fingers laced together, just in case he was still worried about her not wanting people to see them together.

"Have a good day okay?" Azu smiled as she wandered up to the inn with him, just in time to say Reth was technically not late.

"I'll do my best Sweet Tooth; thank you again for last night.." Reth smiled at her, leaning over just enough to kiss her cheek. "It was perfect. Next time it'll be my treat, okay?"

Azu grinned at his little burst of confidence, squeezing his hand as she nodded up at him. "I look forward to it~" she giggled, lifting his hand to lovingly kiss his knuckles. "I'll see you soon, Reth.."

Reth knew he must have been looking at her like a lost puppy, but he didnt care; she was so incredibly sweet that he was sure his blood sugar was rising anytime she did things like that. At the very least, it made his heart beat faster; racing in his chest as he smiled sheepishly at her. "See you soon, Azu.." he sighed dreamily as she walked away, watching her go for just a moment before he finally turned and headed into the inn's kitchen, smiling to himself as he began to prep for the day..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now