A Faint Goodbye

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WC: 1051

The sun was only just rising as Lan Tian approached Lotus Pier. They had a small hunch that Jin Ling was there rather than Lanling, at least at Lotus Pier he had family that truly cared for him.

As if it was second nature, Lan Tian crept and concurred the dense forest terrain on the small, hidden path they found leading to Jin Ling's window. They approached quietly, glancing in his room to find Jin Ling passed out in a chair facing the window. "You idiot." Lan Tian whispered as a smile over took their face.

Lan Tian climbed into the room before sitting in a chair opposite Jin Ling and resting their arm on the table beside them. As they sat with their legs crossed and head supported by their arm, Lan Tian watched Jin Ling's calm expression as he slept peacefully.

Slowly Jin Ling's eyes fluttered open as he stretched out on the chair letting out a yawn.

"Sleep well?" Lan Tian asked as they raised an eyebrow in his direction.

Jin Ling froze as a smile grew on his face. "Lan Tian! You're a day early."

They chuckled, "I didn't want to keep you waiting, but it seems like you waited anyways."

"Of course I did. I will always wait for you." Jin Ling's words seemed to pierce Lan Tian's nonchalant front for a moment before it returned. "You're still not telling me something Ti Ti."

"Tomorrow..." Lan Tian swallowed hard, "I'll tell you tomorrow. Can we just have a nice day with just us? Pretend like nothing else matters, just us."

Jin Ling nodded before going to his clothing, "Now, are we going for normal cultivators, or are we blending in with the normal village folk?"

"Do you really think WE could pull off normal?" Lan Tian smirked.

"Fine you're right. Lets just be ourselves instead. I still got a change of clothes for you though." Jin Ling said holding up a bundle of clothing.

Lan Tian shook their head as they grabbed the bundle. "And when did you have the time to do all this?"

"Lan Tian," Jin Ling started, "I was waiting for a long time you know."

Jin Ling lost his breath the moment he saw Lan Tian walk out in the clothing he had specially picked out for them months ago. It was then that he remembered just how lucky he was to have ever met them.

Their reddish brown hair barely brushed their shoulders as their red forehead ribbon, embellished with the Jin Clan and Lan Clan's symbols combined, hung about ten centimeters lower. The white under shirt of their robes stuck out sharply on top of their softly tan skin, while the red and black patterns on their outer robes mimicked the way their hair looked in a dark candle lit room. A slight blush washed over Lan Tian's cheeks as they noticed Jin Ling's gaze.

"Do I look okay?" They softly asked approaching the boy.

Jin Ling smiled before looking them in the eye, "The important thing is how do you feel? Do you feel comfortable and confident?"

"That and so much more." Lan Tian planted a small kiss on Jin Ling's cheek, "Thank you."

The two teens spent the whole day exploring the surrounding areas of Lotus Pier. Jin Ling smiled more every time he showed Lan Tian a new spot or recalled their fond memories. He [resented Lan Tian with gifts at every chance he got, if he saw them show any interest in anything, he'd buy it. By mid day the two had already made two trips back to Jin Ling's room to drop off their spoils. However, to be fair, Lan Tian also did much of the same for Jin Ling showering him with love and affection.

By the time the sun began to set, Jin Ling and Lan Tian returned to the place that held their most fond memories, the tree.

"This has always been my favorite place. Whenever I was sad, or lonely I would come here and imagen you were up there with me." Jin Ling squeezed Lan Tian's hand as the two sat under the tree.

Lan Tian rested their head on his shoulder, "Whenever I left the Cloud Recesses I would climb the tallest tree I could find and pretend I could see you on this tree smiling back at me."

"Today, has been one of the best days I've ever had. I wish it would never end. But then I remember that if I go to bed today, I will be able to wake up beside you tomorrow." Jin Ling interlocked his fingers with Lan Tian's, "I'm so grateful that you stuck with me even through all this shit. I know neither of us signed up for it, but I wouldn't have it any other way, because I have you."

Lan Tian squeezed Jin Ling's hand as they glanced back up at him, "You should give yourself more credit, you're stronger than you think. Regardless, I don't think I would have made it this far without you either."

Jin Ling stood up and put his hand out for Lan Tian, "Shall we go back now?"

Lan Tian nodded taking his hand, "I'd like nothing more."

Jin Ling's eyes fluttered open once more as the birds sang their song in the light breeze. As he stretched wide on the bed, Jin Ling had a feeling that something was off, something was missing. He stood up to find he was all alone, there wasn't even a trace of Lan Tian anywhere.

"Lan Tian!" Jin Ling jumped up and ran through the halls hoping that they were just off taking a walk somewhere in Lotus Pier.

After what felt like hours of endless searching, he returned to his room in a last hope that they had simply just missed each other in passing. As his heart leapt out of his chest, Jin Ling slammed the door open and came to realize how blind he had been. The window was open, he never left the window open. His books and notes were all sitting in a perfect pile compared to their usual sprawled mess across his table. And finally, a note on top of a small journal sat on his side table tucked under a small cup as to not blow away. On the front of the note, written in a way he knew all too well, "Jin Ling my love".

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