Chapter 7: A Painful Misunderstanding

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In the hallowed halls of Southern Lab, there lingered a memory from Summer's 3rd-grade days, a tale of unintended consequences that still cast a shadow over her. The incident unfolded during a seemingly ordinary lunchtime, a moment that would etch itself into the annals of Summer's past.

As Summer stood in the lunch line, surrounded by the familiar faces of her friends, a new boy named Alexander joined their ranks. Alexander had a unique way of speaking, a tone that piqued Summer's curiosity. Unable to contain her inquisitiveness, she asked the innocent question, "Why do you talk like that?"

What Summer intended as mere curiosity, however, struck a chord with Alexander. Unbeknownst to her, his speech pattern was a result of a speech impediment, something he had struggled with throughout his life. The innocent query, perceived as an insult, wounded Alexander deeply.

A week later, news circulated that Alexander was leaving Southern Lab. The classmates, unaware of the true reason, began to speculate, and a misguided narrative took root. Whispers and hushed conversations painted Summer as the cause of Alexander's departure, planting seeds of blame that would persist through the years.

To this day, Summer carried the weight of that misunderstanding. The unintentional impact of her question had altered the course of Alexander's time at Southern Lab, and the notion that she played a role in his departure weighed heavily on her conscience.

The incident served as a poignant reminder for Summer, teaching her the lasting consequences of words and the importance of sensitivity. It was an embarrassing moment that, despite the passage of time, continued to shape Summer's interactions, a cautionary tale etched in the chapters of her childhood.

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