Chapter 45: The Antics of Mrace

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Summer found herself seated next to her friend Sariyah and a classmate named Mrace in their new seating arrangement. Mrace was well-known for his antics and humor, and he was also friends with Troy, the notorious troublemaker in their class.

During recess, as Summer and her friends were chatting, Mrace joined in and added his own brand of humor to the conversation. But things took an unexpected turn when one of Summer's friends dared Mrace to jump into an ant pile near the fence leading to the school's exit. Without hesitation, Mrace accepted the dare and stepped right into the ant pile, much to everyone's surprise.

Chasing after Summer and her friends, Mrace declared, "Say I won't do it again!" Summer and her friends, caught off guard, jokingly responded that he wouldn't, not expecting what came next.

With a mischievous grin, Mrace dashed towards the ant pile, leaped onto the fence, and then back down to the ground, all while laughing uncontrollably. He then ran across the carpool line, much to the amusement of Summer and her friends, who couldn't contain their laughter.

As they watched Mrace's antics unfold, Summer couldn't help but appreciate having someone like him in their group. Despite the chaos he sometimes caused, Mrace never failed to bring a smile to their faces with his humorous antics.

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