Chapter 57: The End of an Era

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As days passed by, Summer noticed a growing distance between her and Kj. They hardly spoke, and she found herself increasingly indifferent towards their relationship. Then came the final blow – Kj got a new number and failed to inform her, instead giving it to another girl. 

Word of Kj's actions reached Summer through her friend Carsyn, who confronted Nyiah, the recipient of Kj's number. In a surprising turn of events, Nyiah reached out to Summer privately, disclosing Kj's new number. However, when Summer attempted to contact him, the number proved futile, signaling the end of their communication.Fed up with the lack of consideration and communication, Summer decided to take matters into her own hands. She gave Kj an ultimatum – respond by Wednesday, or she would end things. Unsurprisingly, Wednesday came and went without a word from him, prompting Summer to make the difficult decision to cut ties.She confided in her friend Tia, finding solace in her support. Tia's reassuring words reminded Summer of her strength and resilience, reinforcing her resolve to stand up for herself.

With the Kj ordeal behind her, Summer shifted her focus to brighter prospects. She eagerly anticipated plans with Carsyn to go jumping on Saturday, a welcome diversion from the drama of recent days. As she looked ahead to the weekend adventure, Summer felt a sense of liberation, ready to embrace new experiences and leave the past behind.

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