Chapter 66: The Graduation Slideshow

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As the week marked the beginning of the end of elementary school for Summer, each passing day brought with it a sense of finality, akin to the crescendo of a symphony. With the LEAP testing behind them, the anticipation of graduation loomed ever nearer.

One day, amidst the routine of class, Ms. Gleason made an announcement that elicited a buzz of excitement and nostalgia from the students. She had completed the graduation slideshow and wanted to share it with the class, ensuring they were all prepared for the upcoming ceremony.

With bated breath, the students gathered around as the slideshow began. Pictures flashed across the screen, tracing their journey from infancy to their final year of elementary school. Laughter and reminiscing filled the room as they recognized familiar faces and recalled shared memories.

Summer, too, found herself swept up in the wave of nostalgia as she watched the slideshow unfold. Her heart swelled with pride at how far they had all come. When her own pictures appeared on the screen, she felt a mixture of embarrassment and fondness, grateful that her classmates didn't tease her too much.

But then came a slide that made her heart skip a beat. It was titled "5th Grade Scholars," with Ms. Circle's name prominently displayed. As realization dawned on her, Summer braced herself for what was to come. Ms. Gleason revealed the secret of the Zeta Phi Beta program, and Summer's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as all eyes turned to her and Kel.

The rest of the slideshow passed in a blur, and as the bell rang signaling the end of the day, Summer hastily packed her belongings, eager to escape the spotlight. She sought solace in the familiarity of her friend Carsyn's company, knowing that amidst the teasing and the embarrassment, she could always count on her friend's understanding and support.

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