Chapter 22 : Anticipation Amidst Raindrops

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As Christmas Eve arrived, a sense of excitement enveloped Summer, despite the lingering traces of her common cold. The anticipation of the impending celebration overshadowed any physical discomfort, and she found herself buoyed by the festive spirit.

Traditionally, the eve before Christmas held a special place in Summer's heart. The annual family tradition of visiting Christmas lights behind a storage unit loomed in her thoughts, promising a spectacle of twinkling lights and holiday magic. However, to Summer's dismay, her momma, Dshannan, broke the news that this year's visit was canceled due to the persistent rain.

The disappointment briefly cast a shadow over Summer's festive mood. The prospect of missing out on the enchanting lights stirred a sense of longing. Still, Summer refused to let the rain dampen her overall joy. She held onto the belief that the magic of Christmas could transcend weather obstacles.

Despite her momma's decision and the drizzle outside, Summer immersed herself in the final preparations for Christmas. The house echoed with the sounds of wrapping paper, laughter, and the aroma of holiday treats. The twinkle in Summer's eyes mirrored the lights that would not grace the storage unit this year.

As the evening unfolded, Summer embraced the festive atmosphere. The warmth of family, the flicker of candles, and the glow of Christmas decorations created a cocoon of holiday enchantment. The gentle patter of rain on the windows provided a soothing soundtrack, a reminder that even in unexpected moments, there was a touch of magic.

With Christmas Day just around the corner, Summer held onto her hope that the rain would relent. The prospect of waking up to a white Christmas filled her with anticipation. Despite the change in plans, she focused on the joy that awaited her on the morrow, cherishing the moments with family and the magic of the season that could not be dampened by a few raindrops.

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