Chapter 60: The First Day of Cheer Tryouts

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The anticipation was palpable as Summer prepared for the first day of SULS JV cheer team tryouts. This year was poised to be different with a new coach, Maia, and the inclusion of upcoming 7th and 8th graders in the tryouts. Additionally, many girls who hadn't made the SULS Dancing Dolls team were vying for spots on the cheer squad, heightening the competition.

Before heading to tryouts, Summer had another task on her agenda—putting up campaign posters for her run for Ms. 6th grade. Despite her disdain for the posters, she understood their importance in her campaign strategy.Accompanied by her friends, including the twins, Kaidence and Kassidy, Sariyah, Jayci, Dealee, Aleigh, and Tia, Summer made her way to the pre-K and kindergarten hallway to change. They split into different rooms, with Summer finding herself in the Pre K classroom.

Tension rose as Ms. Circle approached, prompting everyone to quickly find seats and act innocent.Once changed, they headed to the old art classroom where tryouts would take place. Along the way, Summer spotted her Papa and her sister SaMya hanging up her campaign posters. Summer couldn't resist sneaking over to see, but her Papa, ever the vigilant guardian, redirected her back to the group.

Inside the art classroom, they were greeted by seniors, including Sydney from Ms. Southern High and Taylor, who was also Summer's cousin. Taylor, with her infectious energy, shared some exciting news—there would be no school the next day, sparking cheers of joy from everyone in the room. With spirits lifted, they continued with the tryout preparations.After a break, they resumed practice, honing their cheer and dance routines under Maia's guidance.As the day concluded, some stayed for volleyball, but Summer headed home, eager to rest. However, a looming pile of homework from Ms. Gleason awaited her, threatening to disrupt her plans for a peaceful evening. Nonetheless, she tackled the assignments with determination, knowing that the next day would bring even more excitement and challenges.

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