Chapter 39: The Struggle Behind the Smiles

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Summer's home was often filled with tension, a result of her parents' constant arguments. Most of the time, it was her dad, Sean, who bore the blame. Despite their close relationship, Sean's drinking habit would always escalate the situation.

One day after school, tensions reached a breaking point. Sean returned home, clearly intoxicated, and a heated argument erupted between him and Summer's mom, Dshannan. As Sean stumbled into the bathtub, Summer suspected he had sneaked a drink before returning home. Dshannan's anger flared, accusing Summer and her sister Skye of indulging Sean's problems. Sean demanded privacy to talk, using explicit language that shocked Summer.

The argument escalated, growing louder and more intense. Sean's temper boiled over, leading to physical violence against Dshannan and verbal abuse directed at Summer's older sister, SaMya. The situation became dire when Sean tried to lock SaMya out and she resorted to desperate measures to break free.

Amidst the chaos, Summer found herself trying to comfort her crying sisters, Skye and Ivy. SaMya's attempt to defend herself only worsened the situation, prompting Ivy to urge everyone to leave immediately. With tears streaming down her face, Summer looked at her father in shame, blood staining his neck from the altercation.

As they drove away to seek refuge at their Minnie's and Papa's house, Summer felt a mix of relief and sorrow. Grateful for their safety, yet burdened by the weight of the fractured family dynamic, Summer couldn't shake the feeling that this marked the beginning of the end for her parents. With a heavy heart, she drifted off to sleep, tears silently streaming down her cheeks, knowing that life would never be the same again.

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