Chapter 49: Summer's Not-So-Boring Saturday

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After enduring a week of school and Ms. Gleason's incessant yelling, Summer looked forward to her weekend plans with anticipation. Today, she, her mom, sisters, grandmother Glinda (or Gmo), and SaMya's boyfriend Michael were going out for a meal. However, Summer had a cunning plan to avoid the dreaded kid's menu.

Step 1: Dress the part of a responsible tween, subtly signaling to her mom that she deserved an adult menu.
Step 2: Behave impeccably, unlike her younger sister Ivy, to strengthen her case.
Step 3: If successful, swiftly choose a meal from the adult menu.

As they settled in at the restaurant, Summer maintained her act, engrossed in her phone until its battery died, leaving her in a state of boredom. Meanwhile, her jealousy simmered as her mom left to take Skye to a trampoline park with a friend.

Finally, SaMya and Michael arrived, and the family placed their orders. Gmo, ever the mischief-maker, found an embarrassing photo of SaMya, intending to share it with Michael. But SaMya intercepted the attempt, unaware that Summer and Ivy were in on the plan. Eventually, Gmo managed to show Michael the photo, leading to a moment of shared laughter and SaMya's temporary silence.

As they waited for their food, Summer's anticipation grew. When the meals arrived, she rejoiced silently at the sight of her adult menu selection. After a satisfying meal, they headed home, with Summer feeling victorious and content with her not-so-boring Saturday escapade.

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