Chapter 28: Summer's Calendar Switcheroo 📆🌙

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Every year, as the clock struck midnight, Summer's papa, Oliver, would usher in the new year with a unique family tradition—he'd buy calendars for every bedroom and the kitchen. However, this year, Summer found herself with a calendar that didn't quite align with her tastes.

The calendar Papa selected for Summer featured the images of an old white president, not exactly what Summer had in mind. Determined to have a calendar more to her liking, she hatched a plan to perform a sneaky switcheroo.

Step 1: Make sure Grandpa is fast asleep. Knowing her grandparents didn't stay up until midnight, Summer had to wait for Grandpa to fully embrace the realm of dreams.

Step 2: Decide whether to risk waking Minnie or go for a safer approach. Aware that any loud noise would instantly awaken her Minnie, Summer had to carefully navigate the house to achieve her mission.

Step 3: Debate on whether the kitchen calendar was better than the bedroom one. Upon discovering the kitchen calendar featured cute baby animals, Summer weighed her options.

Step 4: Bring the cover to conceal the calendar. Armed with the cover she received for Christmas, Summer prepared to execute her switcheroo plan.

Waiting patiently until her grandparents were in a deep slumber, Summer seized the opportune moment to make her move. Stealthily, she maneuvered through the living room, avoiding the den where her Minnie was engaged in a late-night conversation.

In a triumphant success, Summer swapped the calendars, concealing the unwanted one with the Christmas cover. As she settled into bed, she realized it was now January 1, 2024—mission accomplished! With a smile, she drifted off to sleep, eager to embrace the new year and all the adventures it held in store. 🌟😴✨

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