Chapter 43: Summer's 11th Birthday Bash

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Today was a special day for Summer – it was her 11th birthday! When she woke up, her momma Dshannan and her sisters Skye and Ivy showered her with birthday wishes. Her dad, Sean, told her to shine bright and not let anyone dim her light. Summer felt so loved and excited for the day ahead.

At her Minnie's house, where they got ready for school, her dad reminded her again that it was her day and to make the most of it. Summer felt a surge of happiness knowing her family was there to support her.

Since it was her birthday, Summer got to wear free dress to school for completing her Zearn math lessons. Even though she was on her period and couldn't eat her favorite hot chips or run around, she was eager to celebrate with her friends and hoped for a birthday shoutout during the school announcements.

As she arrived at school and met her friend Tia for breakfast, Summer was disappointed when another friend, Jayci, forgot to wish her happy birthday. But she brushed it off and headed to class.

During PE, Summer and her friends went to the vending machine to buy snacks, but Carsyn, one of her friends, used some of Summer's birthday money to buy her snack. Summer confronted her, but things escalated when a classmate named Mrace snatched her coins and ran off. When Carsyn started crying and Coach Q got involved, Summer felt frustrated but tried to calm the situation down.

After a chaotic morning, Summer was finally able to check out of school early for her birthday dinner at Lagniappes. She wished it could have been a party at Main Event, but her Minnie invited family instead. Despite the change in plans, Summer was excited to spend time with her loved ones.

At the restaurant, Summer enjoyed her birthday dinner surrounded by her family. As everyone sang happy birthday, she couldn't help but reflect on all the memories she had made and how grateful she was for her friends and family. With a content smile on her face, Summer drifted off to sleep, looking forward to her friend Sariyah's party the next day.

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