Chapter 52: Summer's Class Experiment

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In their recent science class, Summer and her classmates delved into the fascinating topic of Earth's layers. As part of their lesson, they embarked on an experiment to create a model of these layers using edible materials.

Excitement filled the classroom as Ms. Gleason distributed the ingredients: gumdrops for the inner core, strawberries for the outer core, yogurt for the mantle, and crushed Oreos for the crust. However, as Summer eagerly awaited her turn to assemble the layers, something caught her attention—the Oreos looked different, their brown color and altered design standing out from the familiar cookies.

Undeterred by the peculiar appearance, the class proceeded with the experiment, carefully layering the ingredients to mimic Earth's structure. Once the models were complete, Summer and her classmates couldn't resist indulging in their creations.

However, as soon as they took a bite, a wave of revulsion swept through the classroom. The taste was unmistakably off, and murmurs of confusion and disgust filled the air. One brave soul dared to voice the collective sentiment, declaring that the Oreos tasted different.

Ms. Gleason's response shattered the momentary silence. With a grimace, she revealed the unpleasant truth—they were off-brand Oreos. Horror and disappointment rippled through the class as students recoiled in disgust, some even spitting out their half-eaten creations.

Summer joined her classmates in their shock and dismay, her excitement for the experiment replaced by disappointment and a lingering distaste. As the commotion settled, it was clear that this unfortunate incident would be remembered as one of the many reasons why Ms. Gleason's classes were met with apprehension.

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