Chapter 67: A Busy Day Before Graduation

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Wednesday dawned with a flurry of activity for Summer, marking the final countdown to her fifth-grade graduation. The day promised to be busy, with a schedule packed from dawn till dusk.

First on the agenda was the dreaded kickball session. Despite her aversion to the sport, Summer reluctantly joined in, knowing it was part of the day's routine. True to form, she found herself fumbling and missing catches, adding another embarrassing moment to her kickball repertoire.

Back inside the classroom, the day pressed on with a worksheet about Earth and its seasons. Summer couldn't help but feel self-conscious whenever the word "summer" appeared, knowing her classmates' eyes would inevitably dart her way. Despite the discomfort, she soldiered through the assignment, determined not to let it derail her focus.

The next item on the agenda was a trip to the hair salon for a much-needed appointment. Unfortunately, this meant missing out on her cheer fitting and practice for graduation. Disappointed but resigned, Summer made her way to the salon, eager to spruce up her appearance for the upcoming ceremony.

Following her salon visit, Summer headed to her Minnie's house for her god sister's graduation from SULS. However, upon arrival, they discovered Minnie's car was missing, leaving them unable to attend the event. Summer couldn't help but feel a pang of regret at missing the opportunity to witness her god sister's milestone moment.

Returning home, Summer dedicated the remainder of the day to practicing her speaking part for the graduation ceremony. With each rehearsal, she grew more confident, determined to deliver her lines flawlessly when the moment arrived.

As the day drew to a close, Summer felt a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. Despite the setbacks and missed opportunities, she looked forward to the culmination of her elementary school journey at the upcoming graduation ceremony. With hopeful anticipation, she drifted off to sleep, ready to embrace the milestone that awaited her on the morrow.

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