Chapter 21 : A Christmas Miracle

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The air was filled with a palpable sense of joy and relief as the news spread through Summer's home – Skye and her mom, Dshannan, were officially COVID-free. The weight that had hung over the family lifted, replaced by the warmth of healing and the promise of better days.

However, as the clouds of worry dispersed, a new challenge emerged for Summer. A sudden common cold gripped her, casting a shadow over the celebration. Determined to ensure her family's safety, Summer promptly tested for COVID, and the result was negative. While relieved, she found herself battling the symptoms of the cold, a stark reminder of the lingering uncertainties of the times.

In the midst of her own recovery, Summer's heart yearned for a swift return to good health. Christmas was approaching, and the desire to fully embrace the festive spirit, alongside her family, became a fervent wish. Despite the setbacks, Summer remained hopeful, praying that her bout with the common cold would be fleeting, allowing her to join in the joyous celebrations unburdened.

Anticipation for Christmas bubbled within Summer, and the prospect of partaking in cherished traditions and experiencing the magic of secret moments fueled her determination to overcome the cold. She wished for the simple joy of waking up early with SaMya, the enchantment of Christmas lights by the lake, and the excitement of unwrapping surprises under the tree.

As the days counted down to the magical celebration, Summer held onto the hope that her health would be restored in time for Christmas. Each day became a testament to resilience, a reminder that even in the face of unforeseen challenges, the spirit of the season could illuminate the path to recovery. The prospect of a healthy and joyous Christmas meant the world to Summer, and she clung to the belief that the magic of the season would extend its healing touch to her as well.

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