Chapter 55: After-School Cheer Practice

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After the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Summer, accompanied by her friends Tia and Kassidy, headed to the front office to change for cheer practice. Tomorrow marked the first official Walk of Champions, where SULS would celebrate all the champions of the year. However, their plans hit a snag when Ms. Gleason intercepted them and directed Summer and Kassidy to carpool while Tia headed to her dad's office since he worked at the school.

Waiting at carpool until aftercare left, Summer and Kassidy eventually made their way to Ms. Welch's classroom to change. However, their routine was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Ms. Gleason, who momentarily caused panic by joking that she was the new sponsor for the JV cheer team. Relief washed over the room when she revealed it was just a prank.

Once changed, they met with Tia and the 6th-grade captains and their new coach, Maia. Unlike their previous practices with Hannah, Maia took a more personable approach, introducing herself and asking for their names before diving into practice. They rehearsed diligently for the upcoming parade and walk, with Maia opting for a more interactive session.

During a water break, Summer playfully challenged the girls to a race to the front office, invoking the threat of a date with Joseph for the last one there. As they sprinted back, Summer noticed Troy and his friend playing basketball nearby but paid them no heed.

Later, Maia instructed them to walk in pairs for the parade and walk, positioning Summer towards the back. Feeling somewhat excluded as Tia and Kassidy chatted without her, Summer imagined a scenario where their antics disrupted the event, but she quickly brushed off the thought and continued practicing.

After practice, Maia informed them of a mini-practice the next day due to two girls missing for a pageant. Disheartened by the cancellation of the crawfish boil, Summer went home, boiling with rage but preparing herself for the upcoming event.

As she lay in bed, Summer's mind buzzed with anticipation and frustration, eager for tomorrow's festivities yet vexed by the cancellation. With mixed emotions swirling inside her, she drifted off to sleep, knowing that whatever tomorrow held, it would be an eventful day.

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