Chapter 30: A Day at Chuck E. Cheese

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Summer reluctantly agrees to accompany her nanna to Chuck E. Cheese to look after her niece Jenna and Dexter's kids. Despite her dislike for the place, Summer wants to prove her nanna wrong about not liking kids. However, things take an unexpected turn when Dexter's bossy daughter Kandice takes charge of choosing the games, leaving Jenna to follow along.

As the day unfolds, Summer faces her fear of Chuck E. Cheese, rooted in a childhood incident. The anticipation builds as the main mascot prepares to make an appearance. Summer recalls a traumatic experience from her toddler years when Chuck E. tried to pick her up, causing her to cry.

When the time finally comes, Summer manages to keep her composure. She texts her friend Carsyn about the ordeal, and Carsyn suggests that Summer deserves to be paid for enduring it. Summer later approaches her nanna about compensation, and her nanna promises to put money on a vanilla gift card for her to shop online.

The day concludes with a visit to an ice cream shop, and Summer, exhausted but triumphant, heads home to rest before the upcoming school day.

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