Chapter 15: INCOMING NEWS: The Fun Has Just Begun

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The atmosphere at Southern Lab was buzzing with anticipation as the day of the Kitten Walk arrived, signaling the spirited send-off for the football team embarking on their journey to New Orleans. Students, alumni, and faculty gathered around the breezeway, eager to partake in the tradition that marked the beginning of the football finals excitement.

Before the revelry commenced, the notorious buzzkill, Ms. Gleason, took the stage to lay down the rules for the walk. As she droned on about regulations, Summer couldn't help but feel a tinge of boredom setting in. However, her attention shifted when she noticed the absence of Kel, sparking a flicker of curiosity.

The monotony quickly transformed into excitement as Summer, her classmates, and the companionship of Ivy's and Skye's classes made their way to the breezeway. The air was charged with anticipation, every step bringing them closer to the lively spectacle about to unfold.

In an unusual twist, this year's Kitten Walk took an unexpected turn. The customary 5-minute wait for the band, cheerleaders, and football team stretched into an astonishing 40 minutes. The collective murmur of impatience was replaced by a sudden burst of exhilaration as the unmistakable sound of a drum echoed through the air.

The delayed entrance only intensified the thrill when the cheerleaders, band members, and football players finally emerged. The atmosphere crackled with energy as they paraded through the breezeway, setting the stage for the football finals with a spectacle of school spirit and camaraderie.

With each beat of the drum and cheer from the crowd, the realization dawned – the fun had just begun. Tomorrow's annual event held the promise of exhilarating moments, and Summer couldn't wait to dive into the festivities, marking the commencement of an unforgettable chapter in Southern Lab's vibrant tradition.

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