Chapter 13: Anticipation and Wishes

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The night before the much-anticipated field trip, Summer's excitement bubbled to the surface. The air was charged with anticipation as she prepared for the adventure that awaited her. However, amidst the thrill, a wish lingered in her thoughts, a desire for a trip exclusive to the 5th graders.

As she packed her bag with the essentials, Summer couldn't shake the notion that the experience would be heightened if it were just her classmates, without the inclusion of the 4th graders. She envisioned a trip where the camaraderie among the 5th graders would take center stage, free from the dynamics of the younger students.

Her mind buzzed with thoughts of the upcoming journey, a concoction of excitement and a hint of reservation. The idea of sharing this adventure exclusively with her fellow 5th graders seemed like the perfect scenario to deepen their bonds and create lasting memories.

As the night progressed, Summer found herself torn between the thrill of the impending field trip and the lingering wish for exclusivity. She yearned for a trip where every moment would be shared exclusively among the 5th-grade classmates, a journey untainted by the presence of the 4th graders.

Yet, even with this desire, Summer knew that the field trip held the promise of joy, discovery, and the forging of memories that transcended class distinctions. In the spirit of adventure, she hoped that the camaraderie among her classmates would shine through, making the trip unforgettable regardless of the grade divide.

As she drifted off to sleep with visions of the upcoming adventure dancing in her mind, Summer held onto the mixed emotions, eager for the field trip while harboring a wish that, perhaps, the night before the next excursion, the stars would align to grant her the exclusive experience she yearned for.

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