001 - blowjob Karen

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Series one - Ploit
Meet Kodi Ball (Meet The Gallaghers)



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KODI BALL WAS RUNNING DOWN THE STREETS.WITH A.. shopping bag full of clothes clutched tightly in her hand. She had just stolen some money from a young couple's back pocket, and their shopping bags and now she was in a hurry to get away before they could catch her.

She was so focused on her escape that she didn't even notice Lip Gallagher, walking down the street. Lip saw Kodi running towards him and didn't have a chance to move out of the way when she jumped into him, knocking them both to the ground.

Kodi looked up at Lip 'Alright, Kodi?' Lip asked with a chuckle. 'Help me up then, will ya?' Kodi replied in an annoyed tone. Lip helped Kodi up and couldn't help but notice the shopping bag in her hand. 'What have you gone and done now?' he asked with amusement in his voice. Kodi tried to cover up her theft by saying, 'What makes you think I've done something?'

'You tell me,' Lip said, not buying her act. 'Where'd yer get the money for all this!" Kodi didn't want to admit the truth, so she tried to change the subject. 'where you off?' she asked, looking at Lip curiously.

'I'm helping Karen with her homework,' Lip replied.

Kodi couldn't help but laugh at his response. 'Blowjob Karen?' she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. 'Have fun then.'

Lip was confused by her comment. 'Why do you call her Blowjob Karen?' he asked, intrigued.

Kodi just shrugged and walked away, running in the same direction she was before she bumped into Lip. Lip watched her go and shook his head with a smile. He mumbled to himself, 'Blowjob Karen,' and ran off to Karens.

KODI WALKING THROUGH THE CHATSWORTH, NEARING HER HOME.... CHANGING HER MIND AND WALKING TO THE GALLAGHERS INSTEAD.... she knocked on the door of the Gallaghers council house, waiting for the door to he answered, revealing Fiona opening the door to see Kodi, 'Hiya love, you know you don't need to knock,' Fiona said with a smile.

Kodi grinned back at her, Fiona stepped aside and Kodi sauntered in, a bag of clothes in her hand. Fiona raised an eyebrow in question, 'What do you have there?'

Kodi grinned as she handed the bag over to Fiona. 'I nicked it off some couple" Curiosity piqued, Fiona rifled through the bag and her eyes widened in surprise. 'Holy shit,' she exclaimed,

Kodi laughed, clearly pleased with her success. The two girls began to sift through the clothes, admiring their new additions. Kodi came across a stunning red dress and held it up to Fiona. 'Fi, wear this tonight. It'll look amazing on you.'

Fiona hesitated, a hint of self-consciousness creeping in. 'I don't know, you think it'll look nice on me? I'm not exactly 'blessed' in the chest department.'

'Don't be thick,' Kodi retorted, 'You have just the right amount of 'breastiness' for that dress.'

Fiona couldn't help but chuckle at Kodi's remark. 'Alright, you muppet, give me the dress" Fiona smiling at with the dress holding it up "o'i Veronica will kill you if I don't show her what we got.' Kodi nodded and left the house, waving goodbye to Fiona and Veronica. But before she could completely leave, Fiona called out to her. 'Wait, do you know if Lip will be home tonight?'

Kodi shook her head, 'I'm not sure.'

Fiona's face fell, 'ahh.. maybe you could watch the kids for a bit. I don't know if Lip or Ian will be home to look after them.'

Kodi smiled sympathetically, ' sure Foina' Fiona thanked her, hugging her tightly before running upstairs to get ready. Kodi walked next door to her own house, with her uncle Kev and Veronica. As she walked in, she was greeted by a sight that made her roll her eyes in disgust - Kev and Veronica were sucking each other's faces off on the couch.

'Gross, child present,' Kodi commented, making them pull away from each other quickly.

'Well, you weren't here a minute ago,' Kev joked, making Veronica laugh.

Kodi scoffed and rolled her eyes again, 'Still gross. I have a bag full of clothes. V, I thought maybe you'd want to go through them.'

Veronica jumped up excitedly, thanking Kodi as she grabbed the bag. Kev groaned in annoyance as she left his lap, giving Kodi a playful glare. Kodi just laughed and went into the kitchen to grab a beer.

'is this going to have the police knocking on our door,' Veronica said looking at the clothes closely.

'Nah, we're sweet,' Kodi replied with a grin, clearly not too worried about the consequences. After all, trouble always seemed to find its way to the Gallagher and Ball families.

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