002 - All yours

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KODI IN HER BEDROOM SMOKING THE LAST OF HER SPIFF THAT LIP HAS ROLLED FOR HER.. enjoying the latest UK top 40 hits blaring from her radio, lost in the music and the carefree abandon of her movements. She gets up to dunk it out.. Noticing that her pet snake, Ringo, was not in his cage... Oh shit! She scanned her messy bedroom, searching for her beloved pet.

With a sinking feeling in her stomach, she crawled under her bed, where Ringo usually liked to hide... But he was nowhere to be found. Shit shiy shit!! Hearing a loud scream coming from the outside...

'Shit, Ringo,' Kodi muttered under her breath as she ran to the screams and flung the door open to the bathroom ... Sure enough, there was her snake, slithering around on the tiles.

With a relieved smile, Kodi picked up her pet and put him around her neck.
'Get that thing away from me!' Veronica shrieked, still screaming and terrified of the snake. 'I hate that damn thing!' Kodi laughed and kissed Ringo on his head. 'Did the little mean lady scare you?' she cooed to her pet, who hissed and flicked his tongue in response... 'Yes, I know she did,' Kodi replied, glaring at Veronica before walking back to her bedroom and putting Ringo back in his cage.

Soon after she puts Ringo back into her cage, walking to her wardrobe to get dressed, not paying much attention to the chaos and mess in her room.

She sighed as she sniffed her t-shirt, deciding to wear it again... Shrugging.. it'll do she thought to herself... Lip' won't mind right? Leaning down going in under her bed grabbing doc martens, taking her jeans off, trying to find bottoms... but dividing to just wear Lips oversized t-shirt and fishnets underneath them... smiling that her appearance in the mirror..

Walking downstairs, only to be greeted by Veronica sitting at the table, wearing nothing but a robe...

'I still don't like that Kev brought you a damn snake,' Veronica said, sipping her tea.

'Because he's cute,' Kodi replied with a smile, knowing that Veronica wasn't a fan of Ringo. Veronica looked at her like she was crazy, but Kodi just shrugged it off...

'You worry me at times, Kodi,' Veronica said, shaking her head...
'Now, help me find something to wear?' changing the subject. Kodi nodded running upstairs. 'Okay, rude,' Veronica called out from downstairs.

But a few minutes later, she came down with a sparkly top and handed it to her Veronica. 'Here, this.. with some cute pants or something,' Kodi said, holding up a the top for Veronica to take.

'You're a saint,' Veronica said, smiling at her before taking it and hurrying off to get dressed... 'Where will you be while I'm out?' Veronica called out from the living room.

'With Lip. Fiona asked me to help with the kids,' Kodi replied.

'And by that, she means help the kids, not help Lip,' Veronica laughed, raising an eyebrow at Kodi.

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