018. The truth about Kodi Ball

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KODI BALL WAS EXHAUSTED... The weight of the events hung heavily on her shoulders as she trudged up the steps to into house.

All she wanted was to crawl into bed and forget the world for a little while. But fate, it seemed, had other plans for her. As she approached the front door, the sound of laughter and music drifted out into the night. Peeking through the window, she saw her uncle Kev and Veronica, his girlfriend, dancing and laughing like teenagers. Despite herself, Kodi couldn't help but smile at the sight. They deserved this moment of happiness, she thought.

Deciding to let them enjoy their time alone, Kodi silently made her way up the stairs to her room.... But just as she was about to close the door behind her, she heard a snippet of conversation drifting up from the living room below...

"I think we should hold it off," her uncle Kev was saying.

Veronica's voice, slightly more serious, replied, "You have to tell her, Kev. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for her to forgive you."

Tell her what? Kodi's curiosity was piqued.

She couldn't resist eavesdropping a little longer. "Kodi would hate me," Kev's voice was filled with fear.

"She'll hate you even more if you don't tell her the truth," Veronica's words were firm.

Kodi's heart raced as she stood in the living room, her eyes darting between her uncle Kev and her aunt Veronica. Who had heard her footsteps, their silence was deafening, and the guilt and apprehension written on their faces only fueled Kodi's determination to uncover the truth they were hiding from her.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Kodi squared her shoulders and spoke, her voice quivering slightly. "Tell me what?" she demanded, her eyes locking onto Kev's.

Kev shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze flickering to Veronica before returning to Kodi. "You've been crying," he said, a feeble attempt to divert the conversation.

But Kodi was not so easily sidetracked. "Don't change the subject.. Tell me the truth, Uncle Kev," she insisted, her tone firm.

Kev sighed, running a hand through his hair in agitation. He struggled to find the right words, unsure of how to reveal the secret that had been kept from Kodi for so long. "I don't know if I can," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kodi's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why not? What could be so terrible that you can't tell me?" she pressed, her eyes searching his face for answers.

Veronica, sensing the weight of the moment, decided to speak up. "Kodi, it's not that simple," she interjected, her voice gentle but filled with a hint of sadness.

Kodi turned to her aunt, her expression pleading. "Please, just tell me. I can handle it," she insisted, her resolve unwavering.

Kev's hesitated, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "It's not about whether you can handle it, Kodi. It's about the impact it will have on you," he explained, his voice breaking slightly. Kodi felt fear grip her heart at her aunt's words. What could be so earth-shattering that they were hesitant to share it with her? She took a step forward, her hands clenched at her sides. "What aren't you telling me" Kodi yelled her voice filled with raw emotion.

Kev looked at his niece, well his...

'daughter' since it's now been out in the open for quite some time now!
Might as well say it instead of calling her his neice..

Kev's heart was heavy with guilt. He knew that the truth had to come out, but he dreaded the repercussions of revealing it. "Kodi, I..." he started, but the words caught in his throat.

Taking a deep breath, Kodi mustered up her courage and spoke. "Just say it, Uncle Kev" she urged, her eyes brimming almost tearing up...

Kev closed his eyes, the weight of the secret pressing down on him like a boulder. "I... I... I'm not your uncle," he finally confessed "what?" Kodi said confused "what are you talking about, not my uncle?"

"I-i'm your fa-.. I'm your father Kodi"
Kev's words tumbling out in a rush. Kodi's heart skipped a beat as the truth sank in. She staggered back, shock written all over her face. "But... but how?" she stammered, unable to comprehend the revelation.

Veronica reached out a comforting hand to Kodi, her eyes filled with regret as Veronica nodded at Kev. "It's a long story.. One that I've kept from you for far too long," he explained, his voice trembling with emotion. As the truth sank in, Kodi felt a whirlwind of emotions raging inside her. Anger, confusion, and sadness warred within her, but deep down, a sense of understanding bloomed.

She looked at Kev, her eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and acceptance. Kodi's life had been a lie - her own uncle was her father... The one person she trusted lied to her...

Her Uncle Kev was her father. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think.

She ran out the door, crying in the middle of the street in tears, Kev watched on, also in tears... Kodi's head was spinning with disbelief and confusion.

If Kevin was her father, then who was her mother? It couldn't be Kelly, Kevin's sister. So, who the bloody hell was her mother?

As these thoughts swirled around in her mind, Kodi felt a surge of anger and betrayal.. Kevin walked up to her, trying to comfort her, but she resisted. "Stay back, don't come any closer," she said, her voice filled with raw emotion. He looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "Kodi, please don't do this. Come back inside."

How could she go back inside after he had lied to her? "No, you're a liar," she spat out, feeling a deep sense of abandonment and hurt.

The neighbors were watching from their windows, their curiosity piqued by the dramatic scene unfolding front of them, The Gallaghers all came running out, panic written all over their. "What's going on?" Fiona asked, looking from Kodi to Kevin and Veronica..

"Did you know?" Kodi's voice was filled with accusation as she locked eyes with Fiona. "Of course you knew, of course. You're all liars."

Fiona's expression changed as she realized the gravity of the situation. "Oh my god, Kodi, honey. Let's go inside, please," she pleaded, reaching out to her niece.

"No, don't touch me." Kodi said, pushing Fiona away. She couldn't believe that her own family her own friends had kept such a secret from her... Kevin felt a pain in his heart as he saw the hurt and anger in Kodi's eyes. "Kodi, I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with regret and remorse


In the aftermath of the shocking revelation that Kevin Ball was not just Kodi's uncle, but also her biological father, chaos erupted at the Ball's household...

(Trigger warning ⚠️ mentioning of suicide and cutting)

The siblings watched in disbelief as Kev pleaded with Kodi to open the bathroom door, while she sat behind it with a menacing razor, playing with it and contemplating weather she should just end it..

right there, right now!

'Is anyone going to tell me what the hell is happening?' Lip demanded, his voice laced with both anger and concern. At that moment, Kev's voice cracked with emotion. 'it doesn't matter"

"It does matter, Vee. Tell me.. please "
"She found out something, Lip.. - something that has hurt her"

"What the fuck is it, Kodi open the door" Lip says laced with concern "what happened, open the door"

"We need you to open the door for us okay?" Veronica says in tears

"I'm sorry, but I can't" Kodi says wiping her tears "I can't" banging her head on the door.

"Kods! open the fucking door, please? I'm sorry, Im sorry" Kev says falling to the ground now in his own tears worst the before....

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