026. Kodi and a baseball bat

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KODI BALL DIDN'T KNOW HOW SHE GOT HERSELF IN THIS POSITION.. Handcuffed by the wrist by her boyfriend Malakai

Who's watching from leaning at his desk... Smirking. She was more angrier then when she found out frank Gallagher was screwing Karen... No she was furious right now that anger was all at malakai "Uncuff me, you bloody wanker!" she seethed,

Malakai perched and sat down on his chair beside him, a smirk etched across his handsome features.

"Can't do that, love," he drawled, lighting a cigarette. 'You see, once you're out of those cuffs, you're gon' escape and we can't let that happen"

Kodi's body coiled with tension. "Break your bones and feed you to the wolves," she threatened, her voice dripping with venom. Malakai merely chuckled, finding her threats endearing. Kodi tried getting out of them... But failing.. "ugh, get em' off"

"Bloody hell, you dim bint," he retorted. 'You know you can't get out of those cuffs.'

Kodi's gaze settled on Malakai. 'Well, if I'm gonna be stuck here, might as well..." she suggested mischievously.
Malakai's mind raced. Was she asking him to... no, surely not. "What are you implying?" he inquired cautiously.

"Take em off, and I'll show you,' Kodi said with a hint of desperation.

Malakai hesitated, his resolve wavering. "Nearly had me there, baby. I'm just gonna go back to my chair now," he said, turning his back to her.

Kodi felt a surge of frustration. 'Ugh, fuck..." she muttered under her breath. Then, her eyes sparkled with a mischievous gleam. "I'll... ah...give you whatever you want"

"Can you be more specific, princess?" Malakai purred, his voice sent shivers down Kodi's spine.

"I'll let you fuck my brains out' she said bluntly. Malakai's laugh echoed through the room.

"I already do that, love. That's nothin."

Kodi's eyes widened in determination.
"Take the cuffs off, and I'll let you put it anywhere."

Malakai's face hardened with desire. "Even there" grabbing her ass. She nods, biting her lips.

"Even there" she leans in kissing him "anywhere and everywhere, I'm at your mercy, Maguire" biting her lips spreading her legs open for him to see between her legs giving him a view of her underwear...

He retrieved the key from his bedside table and freed Kodi from her shackles. Kodi's lips parted in a suggestive kiss, but before Malakai could respond..

Kodi bolted out of the room.
Malakai reacted instinctively, leaping off his chair and giving chase. 'FUCK' he shouted, bounding after her.


THOUGH THE STREETS OF CHATSWORTH.. Malakai's frustration grew with each passing second, his desire eclipsed by the realization that Kodi had outsmarted him, that the little bitch manipulated him with seduction and words that she knew would have him fall at Her mercy.. making him think he was in control when in fact he wasn't.. Kodi Ball was...

In the dimly lit streets of Chatsworth, the air crackled with tension as Malakai McGuire's voice echoed through the night. "Come back here!" he roared, his frustration mounting with every passing second.

Meanwhile, Kodi, panting heavily from her escape, ran into a nearby front yard. Knowing that she was in deep trouble, her eyes caught sight of a baseball bat lying forgotten on the porch. A sinister grin spread across her lips. "perfect"' she muttered, carefully avoiding Malakai's gaze as she stepped out of the yard.

Dragging the bat along the pavement, she made her way to Karen Jackson's house, her mind set on revenge.

Everyone in Chatsworth knew about Kodi's rage blackouts and her famous weapon of choice, 'the baseball bat...

They watched with morbid amusement as she approached Karen's doorstep, humming the menacing melody of 'Freddy's Coming for You.'

"Karen Jackson!" Kodi called out, her voice dripping with venom. "Come out here, you slag!"

Inside, Karen was still reeling from the humiliating way Frank had dumped her. Sheila, drugged into unconsciousness, lay on the sofa as Frank pulled Karen back. "She knows, about us," he whispered urgently.

"How?" Karen gasped.
"Because she's a fucking mental case, that's how" Frank replied. "Lay low and I'll get her out of here."

Just as Frank opened the door
Malakai grabbed Kodi's arm. "No, Kai, let me at her" Kodi growled. As if on cue, the sound of police sirens filled the air. Malakai and Kodi exchanged a quick glance before running off together.

"I'm gon' kick your teeth in, Karen!" Kodi screamed as they disappeared into the darkness.

"Come on, yer.. fuckhead...let's go before end up behind bars,'' Malakai hissed, dragging Kodi away.

Back at Karen's house, Frank and Karen breathed a collective sigh of relief. 'Thank god for the police' they thought to themselves. Karen rolled her eyes at Frank, and scoffed she retreated back to her bedroom.


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