005. Not his girl

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Series one - episode 2
We're Going to the Moon



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He really started like to Karen, and the sex was great, probably one of the best fucks his had... He'd say Karen and Kodi both come in close to together when it comes to sex.. Karen reminds him about of Kodi.. the bonus part is Karen actually said yes to been his girl, unlike Kodi who keeps rejecting the whole "she's my girl"..

What Lip didn't realise though, was by asking Karen Jackson out, he lost Kodi.. and his once girl, became a stranger in his own house. Lip felt like his all world was ending. Sure he liked Karen, but was she all worth losing his best friend, his comfort and his safety, the girl who has been by his side, since forever... Kodi Ball... It's not like he didn't have feelings for her, he did, he just didn't know it. He was oblivious to them, Kodi had always made it clear to that there just friends and only a fuck....

But what he didn't know was how she felt, she always denied her feelings not wanting to get hurt.. afraid Phillip Gallagher was going to break her heart.. so by saying "I'm not his girl" to people and dismissing her feelings, maybe it'll become true and the love would disappear...

The truth is Kodi Ball didn't see Phillip Gallagher as just a fuck, is was more than that, he was her safety.. and by her denying the "my girl" instead of accepting it with ease, costed her Lip

Lip had one question on his mind.. Kodi told him not to date Karen, but didn't give him a answer to why he shouldn't...

If she had just said because 'i love you' or "because I'm your girl Lip Gallagher' he would have dropped everything for her.

That's all he ever wanted from her to hears words.. but he didn't.. not once!
Lip asking Karen Jackson to be his girl, she excitingly said yes.. had Lip finding himself feeling something and not able to resist.. Karen sees Lip.. and wants to get called his girl!

So then why doesn't Kodi?

... If Kodi didn't want to be his girl... Then... And told him to do whatever where 'just friends' Why was he feeling guilty of bringing another girl to his own home?



Fiona looked at Lip with exasperation. 'Lip, the kettle, come on,' she snapped.
Karen, now Lip's girlfriend, who Kodi glared at... responded in her sweet voice, 'I'll do that.' Kodi couldn't help but slightly chuckles at her, suck up..

'It's all right. You sit down,' Lip countered. Fiona couldn't help but smile at Lip's kindness, something she had only ever seen directed towards Kodi. However, a sudden thought crossed her mind: Kodi? Turning to see her with sadness in her eyes...
Playing with the lighter watching the fire, not wanting to make look up knowing at any moment she could make eye contact with Lip.

As Steve arrived with everyone's dinner. 'Hey-hey, food! Who's no vinegar?' he yelled. As Steve distributed the burgers, Kodi hearing Veronica say something.. faintly hearing, her mind was preoccupied with the sight of Karen in such close proximity to him... Looking back at the fire thoughts of setting Karen on fire... her thoughts were quickly dismissed when Steve nudged her with a burger, 'No sauce, right?'

She nodded and thanked him. 'Only if you finish your chips. Come on,' Veronica called out, then turned to Karen. 'Er, who's this?'

'Karen,' Lip replied with a slight smile.
'Nice top. What size are you?' Veronica says looking at Karen. Kodi who silently laughs, catching Lips gaze, slightly smiling himself. Lip has missed her laugh and to hear it just for slight second what enough for him to melt... She caught his gaze and looks away, watching him sit with Karen. 'Shhhhh! Shut up!' Fiona scolded, turning on the television.

Veronica glanced at Kodi, who simply shrugged... With a bite of her burger, Kodi made her way to the kitchen not wanting to be there any longer

Everyone focused on the screen except for Lip, who noticed Kodi's absence. Excusing himself, he followed her into the kitchen, Karen nodding her understanding. Everyone eyes followed to the kitchen...

Kodi at the sink, with a glass under the tap... Standing there silently feeling someone behind her, turning around to see Lip... "Philip." she says with a slight hurt to her voice.

Phillip... That broke him. He's never heard her call him that, it's always been lip, and to hear that come out of her mouth, hurt him.. "don't call me that" he hisses at her

"It's your name, innit?" She says back with annoyance. Lip can see that right now, she's just going it to annoy him.. Kodi knows how much he hated her calling him by his first name.. and can tell she's not going to stop.. "Kodi" he says, she hums in response not really giving him the satisfaction, walking away he grabs her hand and pulls her in... 'Im sorry.. but you made it clear, you were always just mates' Lip protested. Kodi stood there silently "always with the dismissiveness of 'not your girl' and with karen, she actually wanted to be just that.."

Kodi leaned in closer, her eyes pleading. 'Don't date her,' she whispered. Lip gazed at her with sadness. 'Don't date her, Lip,' she repeated, taking a step towards him.

He gently pushed her hair out of her face. 'Kodi, I'm with Karen now

Why?' Kodi protested.

'Because I like her,' Lip stated simply. 'That's why.' He stepped back, his heart heavy. 'I need you to accept that, okay?'

'Okay!' Kodi exclaimed, her voice laced with bitterness. She turned and walked towards the door.

Lip regretted his words and chased after her, catching her in the living room where the entire family was watching. 'Kodi, I'm sorry,' he said.

Kodi turned to Karen. 'He's all yours,' she stated, her voice barely above a whisper.

The Gallaghers were stunned into silence as Kodi walked out the door. Karen comforted Lip with a kiss, but the family couldn't shake the feeling that something irrevocable had been broken. Kodi returned for her burger. 'Forget me food,' she joked with a sarcastic laugh.

Steve moved to follow her, but Veronica stopped him 'No, trust me, it's best you leave her alone... or it'll be you six feet under.' The Gallaghers nodded in agreement, knowing their fiery friend's words held some truth.

Lip Gallagher watched Kodi go, the weight of his loss crushing him. He had messed up, and he may have lost Kodi Ball for good...

Kodi Ball stood outside the Gallagher council house, contemplating whether she should go back inside... But her thoughts came to a stop when she realised who she was...

She's Kodi fucking ball and she is not Phillip 'Lip whatevers' Gallagher girl, and right now, she's going to do what she does best and that was party..


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