003 - I could never hate you, Ian

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LIP LEANED AGAINST THE KITCHEN WALL WITH A BEER IN HIS HAND.... He couldn't help but admire Kodi and Debbie's interactions. They were like two sisters, laughing and having a good time while baking together. Although Kodi was older than Debbie, they still had a close sisterly bond and he adored how Kodi was with his sister.. which made him fall more and more in love with her, oblivious to it though.. smiling creeping up on is face.

He couldn't keep his eyes off of Kodi... As she baked, her hips swaying to the music playing in the background, only made him want her more. As Kodi bent over to check on the cake in the oven, Lip couldn't resist walking over to her. He leaned in close, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, 'You make me so horny'
Kodi couldn't help but giggle, feeling Lip's warm breath on her neck. She stood up straight and turned to face him, her eyes meeting his mischievous gaze her hand tracing down his chest.

Debbie caught the flirty exchange between the two and decided to head upstairs, leaving them alone. Lip couldn't help but smirk and smile at his youngest sister knowing that Debbie did it on purpose. He turned back to Kodi and leaned in to kiss her. She eagerly kissed him back, her hands tugging at his shirt, he pulled back noticing Debbie was no where in sight. 'Where did Debbie go?' Kodi asked after she pulled away, her voice breathless.

'Who care's' Lip replied, his lips still brushing against hers. He reached for the bowl of that had the batter mix and took a finger full, licking it off with a smile, Kodi slightly rolling her eyes playfully. Kodi walked over to the fridge to grab a beer for herself. As she turned to face Lip, he leaned in to kiss her cheek in thanks. She blushed, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. But Lip didn't stop there. He continued to trail kisses down her neck, making her gasp and cling onto him for support.

Lip's hands wandered down to her hips, tracing over the curve of her body. Kodi's breathing hitched as she felt his touch, igniting a fire within her. She melted into him as they shared a passionate kiss. 'Jump,' Lip whispered against her lips, and Kodi obliged. He lifted her onto the kitchen bench and stood between her legs, his hands roaming over her body. He pulled her top up, revealing her bra, and unclasped it from the back.

Within seconds, it was discarded on the floor. Lip's hands trailed down her body, making her shiver with anticipation. He leaned in to kiss her again, his hands on her thighs. Kodi wrapped her legs around his waist as he lifted her up, pressing her against the staircase railing.

But just as things were getting heated, Lip noticed his younger brother Carl watching them eyes widened, 'Fuck off, Carl!' Lip yelled, causing Kodi burst into laughter...

'Let's take this upstairs,' Lip said, helping her stand up. He held out his hand for her to grab, and she eagerly took it, needing him as much as he needed her. As they made their way up the stairs, Lip couldn't keep his hands off of Kodi.. He pulled her into his room, closing the door behind them and pressing her against it..

Without a second thought, he kissed her again, his hands exploring every inch of her body. Kodi moaned with pleasure as Lip's sudden actions took over her. She surrendered herself to him, and he knew how to pleasure her like no one else. As they get lost in themselves and each other, getting messy into the sheets.

Whispering against the nape of her neck with a hot breath. His lips practically melt into her skin, sending wisps of fire licking through your veins as he trails kisses down her spine. She then goes on top of him and he moans -- enjoying her exposed body and admiring Kodi on top..

Feeling his high and gripping into her skin tighter... Kodi's screams getting louder and moaning himself with the sound of her... Just as they were about to feel their orgasm...

"Can you two shut up, some of us are trying to sleep here" Ian says which makes them all burst into laughter and Lip groaning in frustration..
"Come on" he says annoyed.. "you couldn't have waited just a little longer, huh.." Causing Ian to laugh "sorry, uh.. didn't mean to interrupt" smirking at the thought of what he just stopped.. Kodi slightly getting up causing Lip to slightly pull her in.. annoying her to stay in his arms

"I need to pee, you fucking ballard. Get off" he signs and surrenders smirking watching her go, seeing Ian also eyeing Kodi while she walks out their shared bedroom..

"Have you ever thought about shagging her" lip asks Ian curiously.
"What" Ian replies with a confusion
"Or I don't know getting a blow job from her" Ian looks at his brother like he was insane, staying silent, in which Lip notices "so, I got a blowjob today... And it wasn't Kodi" he says smirking

Ian sits up a little and says "What have you been told about encouraging pets?"

"Karen Jackson" Ian looks at him with disbelief "Yeah, right, Lip" Ian says

"She's desperate to get physics"
"I didn't ask" Ian says getting up

"I didn't even know until she yanked it out" lip said slightly laughing

"Does Kodi know of this!" Ian asks
"Yeah" Ian looks at him, now siting on lips bed and sitting on their desk "and she's okay with the whole Karen and the blowjob?" Lip laughs

"Not like she hasn't been giving any" he says with a laugh "I'm sure, she'd suck you off if you asked her" Ian looks at his brother with wide eyes..

"You'd have told me straightaway if you would have been noshed" Ian says ingoring what he had said previous about Kodi.. not liking it one bit... "You ever had yours sucked?" Lip asks Kodi slightly walks in leaning in the door "Well" once or twice." Ian replies

"Didn't hear you telling me." Lip says to his brother"How come, lan? A breakthrough like that, if we tell each other everything Unless you got it sucked by a bloke." Lip says with snare to his voice, Kodi looks at lip with shock and disbelief that he would say that, lip noticing her walking to her but she pushes him off and walking to Ian, seeing him in tears, lip looks at Kodi... And mumbles to himself "his the one sucking dick, and he gets the girl" looking back at Kodi laying down with Ian hugging him.. walking away signing..

Ian turns around to face Kodi "you hate me right?" Kodi laughs at him

"I could never hate you, Ian" she says laying on his chest

"But I like guys" she laughs again at his comment "I do too, we have something in common" Kodi says making him laughing

"And Karen.. are you really okay with him getting sucked off by her" Ian asks looking at her

"It doesn't matter, Lip is gonna do is Lip is gonna do.. it's Lip" Ian nods understanding what she meant even if what she said... Don't exactly make any sense whatsoever...

"Don't worry about Lip, you have me" interwining her fingers with Ian's making him smile.. he couldn't help but adore her.. glad he had her In his life... "if I did like girls, you'd be my first" she leans in and kisses his cheek

"Don't say shit like that Ian, you'll lead a girl on with words like that" he slightly smirks at her words..

"Maybe that was my intention" he laughs at his own words getting up and looks at her, walking to his drawers grabbing his tracksuit "put them on" she laughs getting up and grabbing the boxers from him.

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