008. the results

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FIVE AGONIZING DAYS HAD PASSED SINCE.... Kodi Ball and Malakai Maguire had submitted their DNA tests, their fates hanging by a thread.

Within the confines of Malakai's bedroom, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. An envelope lay on the nightstand, holding the key to their future. Their chests heaved with anxiety as they hesitated to open it.

''Open it,'' Kodi urged, her hands trembling.

''No, you do it,'' Malakai countered, his voice laced with both fear and longing.

The door creaked open, and Mandy stepped inside. ''How about I open it?'' she offered, a tentative smile on her lips.

With bated breath, Mandy retrieved the envelope and slowly unfolded the letter. ''Okay... Malakai. You are not the father.''

A silence enveloped the room. Malakai's heart skipped a beat. ''Wait... I'm not not?'' He paced around, his eyes wide with confusion.
Malakai crumbled to the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks.

''It's Lip's?'' Mandy nodded again, the realization sinking in.

"I wanted it to be yours" she whispered, he pulls away..

''You should go... y'know, to Lip... and...'' Malakai said not even looking at her.. Kodi walks away nodding..

In the living room, the Maguires had overheard the conversation. A sense of sadness washed over them. Despite Kodi's lineage, they had grown fond of her, welcomed her into their family.

Mimi watched her son's anguish from the sidelines. Malakai sobbed, his body shaking in her arms. ''It's Gallagher's. I lost her"

Mimi and Paddy exchanged a knowing glance.

Phillip Gallagher was dead.

Malakai retreated to his room, his cries echoing through the house.

He had Lost her .... All because of
Lip Gallagher!

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