011. You are what matters

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"Me own mother, fuckin' competin' against me... next door," Veronica complained.

"That sucks," Kodi responded automatically.

Veronica continued to vent, her frustration evident in her voice. "Sucks, it more sucks. When you comin' back to Chatsworth?"

"It's only been three day, Vee," Kodi reasoned.

"Three days is too much, in my eyes... could you maybe come now and help us out?" Veronica pleaded.

Kodi glanced at Malakai, who was listening intently. She sighed.

"It'll take us at least ten..." She paused, looking at Malakai again. "Okay, maybe not ten, probably thirteen, amount of times I go pee"

Veronica's voice came through the phone, laced with exasperation. "Well turn the fuckin' around, you can make it."

"I love you, Vee, bye," Kodi said quickly, ending the call before Veronica could protest.

'l"What's this about a garden?" Malakai asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Oh, some competition with the estate, a year free of rent," Kodi explained.

"Such bollocks," Malakai snorted. "Probably a scam to clean up the fuckin' estate council houses, because they can't be arsed to do it."

"It sounds legit," Kodi said, trying to sound optimistic.

"It also sounded legit when they said they'll give us new furniture when Mandy and me burnt the house down," Malakai replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Did they? No! There fucks ups."

"Yes, ahh... Kai," Kodi said, looking at him awkwardly.

"Will stop at the nearest shop," Malakai said, his voice heavy with resignation.

'/"Thank you, love you," Kodi said, pecking him on the cheek.

"You better, we haven't even got to the fuckin' destination yet because of your fuckin' peeing," Malakai said, his voice laced with mock frustration.

"Blame baby, it's her fault," Kodi said, feigning innocence.

"Her? Did ti find out the sex?" Malakai asked, his tone curious.

"No, I just know it's a girl," Kodi said confidently.

"And what if it's a boy?" Malakai asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Malakai, I need to pee, stop the car," Kodi said, her voice taking on a more urgent tone.

"There's a shop around this corner, hold it," Malakai replied, trying to maintain his patience.

"Dont tell a pregnant woman to hold her pee... I-" Kodi began to protest.

"Just get out of the car, Kodi," Malakai said, sighing. Kodi opened the door and jumped out, running into the shop.

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