004. I adore you Kodi Ball

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IAN HAND IN HAND WITH KODI WALKING DOWNSTAIRS... overhearing the chaos in the living room

"I'm Steve, by the way" says some guy Kodi has never met before, who the hell is Steve? She looks at Ian and he shrugs.. indicating he didn't know either... "Debbie" Fiona' says pulling debbies hair out of this face gently...

"Lip" "Carl" the Gallagher siblings introducing themselves.. "And that's lan and Kodi" Fiona' says

"Hi, lan and Kodi" they nod at him.. noticing their hands interwining as well as lip who glares at his brother.. who the fuck does he think is? Lip greasing Ian off, still not happy with Ian after what he found out.. Lip signals Kodi to come over to him with a slight snare to his face and giving her 'NOW' in his eyes... In which she's does... Letting go of Ian's hand... Ian knew if she didn't.. lip would have caused a scene, Kodi walking over - having her sit on his lap...

Veronica, and the Gallagher siblings all knowing how Lip can be seeing Kodi been with another guy, or holding ones hand, just shrug at his actions... Fiona seeing Steves face confused, Veronica beats Fiona to it and mouth's "don't ask, it's complicated" in which he nods and looks to Debbie trying to change what he wanted to ask "Hey, Debbie, why do they call him Lip?"

"A- you stink, B- you're not as funny as you think, C- you whacked a bouncer so you'll be dead soon" lip says to Steve.. Kodi slightly laughs at Lips comment, gripping his hands on her thigh makes her slightly squeal a little, embracing in hug from behind.

"Stuff like that" Carl says
"Yeah, boy meets death wish" Steve says to lip "you guys together" seeing the interaction and how Lip is holding Kodi in his arms... Everyone silently stopped what they were all doing... Also wanting to what or how the conversation would go, lip laughs "yeah, she's my girl" lip says, which makes them all smile but all fades when Kodi speaks up annoyed "yeah, I'm not girl" which makes lip rolls eyes ... He mouths "she is" Steve slightly chuckles, before he could comment, Kevin walks in.

"We-hey! I thought you were fetching an Indian home" Kodi's uncle Kevin walking in and sees the chaos, and the fact that Lips index finger going up and down, kodis thigh... Knowing what it's doing to her smirking from behind, as she grabs Veronica ciggerate.

"I couldn't be arsed so I found a tax payer" says Veronica taking the ciggerate back, in which Kodi gives her a face of annoyance, Veronica gives one back still having a hold on Steve's hair... Kevin looking around.. Noticing a new guy in the Gallagher household.. his eyes still glaring at Lip, seeing how his fingers are almost between his niece... It's like lip wants to die... Not even bothering to move his fingers, seeing Kevin walking in..

"you.." points to Lip "5 feet apart' I don't like where your hands are" Lip surrenders dramatically at Kevin and Kodi laughs ""What's going on?"

"We got turfed out. Steve stuck up for us. Decked a bouncer"

"Which one " Kev asks curiously
"Jimmy Clifton"

"Fuck me" Kev says
"Come on, you lot. Off to bed" Fiona says signaling go upstairs..

"Bed" "Night, kids" "See you later."-
- See you, love" says Steve

Kodi following after his uncle and Veronica, walking out the door.. Lip following behind her outside

Kevin turns to Kodi seeing lip "I'll see you at home.. hand to yourself mate" giving lip the I'm going to kill you if you try anything... Veronica slightly laughs at Kevin.. pulling him away telling him to just them go.. and let them be kids.. he signs and surrenders looking back at lip one last time

"Hands the myself" lip says smirking at Kev watching him walk away.
Lip turns to Kodi "thought you were staying?" Lip asks her leaning towards her slightly confused

"Changed me mind" she says lightning up a ciggerate looking at him
"This is about Ian and what I said" lip asks annoyed, she looks at him, raising her eyebrows with her, with her hands in her hips "how is it okay? And... How you okay with it? His getting sucked off by men" he says with a slight snare to his voice, walking towards her

"So what, his still Ian.. it doesn't change anything" Kodi says, lip taking the ciggerate out of her hands and inhales it, looking at her and signs

"It changes everything, Kodi" lip says, signing leaning towards the van.. Lip can see her getting a little cold, opening the van door, telling her to get in.. He runs to the other side and opens the door sitting on the other side. Lip fiddling with his fingers, whilst holding the ciggerate.. Kodi looking down "tell me how sucking off a bloke is normal?" He says, she laughs at his comment... She sucks off blokes, him been one of them.. everyday.. and he asked her that? "Why ya laughing?" He asks her annoyed, lip was been serious and here Kodi was laughing... What the fuck would she be laughing at?

"You" he looks at her and tilts his head, looking for her to continue "I blow you, every chance I get" he slightly smirks "the whole 'tell me how sucking off blokes is normal' that's why I'm laughing" she says looking at him

"Okay, wrong person to ask" he laughs at his own words previous. "Kodi" she hums, in response "would you, I don't know.. be willingly give Ian a blowjob?" Lip says looking at Kodi, curiousity in his words leaning in.

"Are you taking the piss" she says with a slight snare to her voice... At lip... Why would she do that.
"Would you?" He asks again bit understanding how the question wouldn't he serious...

"Why?" She looks up at him, Lip sees a cigarette in the car, signaling Kodi for the later and lightning it up "Lip.. why you wanting me to blow, Ian for?"

"I don't know, maybe possibly if you did, he would be-" pauses his words trying to find the words, handing Kodi the ciggerate in which she's takes, he looks at Kodi smiling "maybe you suck the gayness outta him" she slightly laughs at his choice words...

"Suck the gayness out" he nods, taking the ciggerate and inhaling it, trying to not laugh at his own words himself

"Yeah.. so.. could you like do something?" He says
"I'm not about to give him a blowjob because you want to, whatever the hell you want to do" she says annoyed

"I have to do something Kodi" she just stares blankly at him.. "Karen" Kodi says to Lip slightly laughing

"You think she would do it" Lip asks
"It's Karen, I think she would" Kodi says, Lip slightly laughs at her comment and nods... "Yeah I'll ask her... You sure you don't want to, probably, turn him straight since it's you" Lip says making her smile, he leans in not even asking for a kiss.. she allows it and leans in wanting more of his kiss and more of him..

He pulls away "you think Fiona is shagging loser boy in there?"

"There's a possibility" Kodi says
"So then, heading back inside would be bad idea" Lip says smirking, not wanting to walk in on his older sister.

"I think we could do loads of things to keep us occupied, till he leaves" Kodi says, Lip slightly smirks knowing what Kodi meant and couldn't help but find her words intoxicating.. he taps for her to come sit on his lap, she nods obeying him.. he pulls her in each kiss their getting messier and messier. Lip smiles at her and takes her hair out of face.

"I adore you, Kodi Ball" he says kissing her forehead..

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