033. Malakai and Lip

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Beneath the dimly lit bridge, Lip and Malakai sat side by side, their voices weaving through the night air. Kodi slept soundly beside them, unaware of the weighty conversation taking place.

''I don't get it,'' Lip began, inhaling from the spliff they shared.

Malakai took a drag. ''I don't like it, but she's your girl... as much as she is mine.''

''She hasn't been my girl for a long time,'' Lip corrected.

''She never stopped, Gallagher,'' Malakai countered, passing the spiff back. ''What's your point, Maguire?'' Lip asked.

''My point is, that girl...' Malakai pointed to Kodi, "..loves you"

"So whatta gonna do about it?" Lip asked.

"I don't know!'' Malakai exclaimed. ''But I do know you'll always be in her life... and I'm going to have to accept it.''

''she never said I love you to me,'' Lip said, lighting another spliff.

''Because you never said it back,'' Malakai pointed out.

''Yeah,'' Lip sighed. Noticing Kodi's hands intertwined with his, he asked, ''Doesn't that bother you?''

Malakai sighed. ''It does. More than you know. But if I want to be in a relationship with Kodi... I'm going to have to be in it with you?''

Lip regarded him soberly. ''I don't like blokes?''

''I don't either,'' Malakai replied. ''I'm speaking about Kodi.''

''You, Maguire... Wanna share Kodi?'' Lip asked, disbelief in his voice.

''I don't... maybe... I can see she wants you,'' Malakai admitted.

''I don't know, this whole situation feels like a trap,'' Lip muttered.

''How so?'' Malakai inquired.
''Well, one, I'm sitting here smoking a spiff and drinking talking about sharing a girl together,'' Lip said. Malakai chuckled.

''Does seem like it, but I'm only thinking of her,'' Malakai explained.

"And your willing to do that?" Lip asked.

"I'm willing to climb mountains and kill for her, anything to make her happy." Malakai declared. "And I've seen it, Gallagher.. you make her happy... but I'm not letting go.. I'm still in it."

"I never let go, Ive been in it" Lip admitted.

"But I'm not screwing you," Malakai said with a laugh. Lip followed suit, taking a drag from the spiff.

"And I still hate you," he added.

"For Kodi," Lip acknowledged, taking a final drag.

"For Kodi," Malakai agreed.

Both looking at Kodi, sound sleep..
Admiring her beauty, interwining their fingers with hers..

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