013 - realisation on one's feelings

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FIONA', KODI AND VERONICA WASTED... Coming back from Veronica hens night... in her bridal headpiece, Fiona wearing devil horns and Kodi with angel wings laughing walking down the street to Fiona's

"OK, you ready? Oh, me chuff!" Veronica says"

"Oh, come on, V!"
"Let's go!" All still in a Fit of aughter

Walking inside the Gallagher household.. walking up the stairs "Where we sleeping?" Veronica asks - "Dad's bed's free!" Fiona says "bugger off" Kodi says making the girls laugh even harder, almost trembling up the stairs...

"You can always kip in with me!" Fiona says "As long as you put keep your hands to yourself - me or Kodi" Veronicas says teasing-

"wait me or Veronica, I'm confused" Kodi says tripping up the stairs "ow, fuck!" The girls laugh

"You fucking Muppet" Veronica says to her laughing..

"Lips bed is free, Kodi" Fiona says winking falling little up the stairs.. the girls start to laugh again... "Shh shh! Shit" Fiona says between her own laughter, Kodi walks to Lips room

"Wrap his willie"
"don't want to be aunty"

Fiona and Veronica burst into laughter, linked arms to Fiona's bedroom.. "you think there gonna bang? Veronica asks

"Will soon find out, won't we?"
"Nearly wet meself"
"I just did" falling on to the bed, into another fit of laughter amongst each other...

Kodi hesitantly standing at Lip and Ian's bedroom... Should she go in there.. Should she not? Veronica's gone into Fiona's... Which means-- Kodi turning her head - Frank's bedroom is free.. Ugh gross!

Okay! Here she goes... You've got this Kodi Ball... Just walk in there..

"Ow, fuck!" Falling down on the floor, laughing hysterically... Causing Ian and Lip who won't actually, slightly laughing themselves..

"Don't laugh, it's not funny, I think I may have a concussion, I'm seeing stars" Kodi says dramatically, Ian looks at lip and nods, Lip gets out of bed "comeon giggles let's sober you up, alright?" He says

"You got this yer" Ian says Lip nods at him, picking up Kodi and walking down stairs.

"You're really pretty" she says looking into Lips eyes, Lip slightly smiling at how even wasted she's adorable.. he puts her down and she groans.

"are you able to walk" she nods, pouting... walking to the kitchen but ends up stumbling a little..

"Guess not" Lip says... "Common I'll grab you some water"

"Lip" he hums in response "I'm sorry"
"For what?" He leans in asking her "why you sorry" she herself leans in, with her hands behind his neck, Lip right now was struggling to not kiss her... But he knew he couldn't, she was wasted and he knew he couldn't take advantage of that..

He pulls away and she tilts her head "you hate me" she says "I don't hate you Kodi.. it's -- it's just I have a girlfriend!" She nods, not able to control what her own words, spilling out.. "yeah well.. I had fucked someone else!" No no no, Kodi.. stop talking... "and you-" Lip cutting her off, pushing her against the wall angry "what did you did you just say?"

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