027. someday!

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LIP GALLAGHER, HIS HEART SHATTERED INTO A MILLION PIECES... He had just told Karen Jackson that he loved her..

She dumped him! Karen Jackson had dumped him..


Debbie Gallagher ran to Kodi bedroom

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Debbie Gallagher ran to Kodi bedroom... 'Kodi, it's Lip' grabbing her hand and dragging out of the house, with just a towel on.

'What's going on?' Veronica says watching Kodi get pulled.
'It's Lip.. he needs Kodi' Debbie yells

Veronica looks at Kodi 'you might want to change, love'

- what happen' Kodi asks, ingores comment.

'His crying.. in his bedroom'

Crying.... In his bedroom, the thought of that broke Kodi, running out of her door and into the Gallagher house and upstairs.. not caring about the faces or the fact with only a towel, rushed into the room, her eyes wide with concern. Fiona, ever the watchful guardian, noticed the her nothing but a towel on... chided her, 'Kodi, towel, love,' Kodi dismisses her and walks into Lips bedroom.

As Kodi approached the bed, Lip collapsed into her arms, his sobs wracking his entire body. She rubbed his back and murmured soothing words, her own heart aching. 'She dumped me,' he whispered. 'I told her I loved her, an she dumped me"

Lip's grip on Kodi tightened, his fingers digging into her thighs, Kodi sits on his lap. 'You were right, Kodi,' he said. 'Love is stupid. It makes us hurt. It break us' gripping her on thighs.. Lip noticing her towel slipping, grin her onto his face...

I'm going to get my girl back
If he was gonna get dumped, he wanted Kodi back into his arms..
He wanted her.. no no! He needed her

But Lip was unyielding. 'Dump him,' he demanded. 'He doesn't deserve you. You belong with me."

Kodi looks at him, how could he ask that? He can't ask me to dump Malakai
"No!" Kodi said, pulling away. "I can't do that." Stepping three steps back from Lip'.

Lip's eyes narrowed. 'Yes, you can,' he insisted. 'Were good together and We should be together. You know it.'

'You're just upset,' Kodi said. 'You're not thinking straight.'

'No, I am,' Lip replied. 'So now... I'm asking you, to not date him.' Lip pulled Kodi onto the bed and and threw her on the bed, now on top of her wrapping his arms around her. 'Dump him,' he repeated.

Kodi hesitated. 'Why?'
Lip paused, his gaze meeting hers. 'Because you want to,' he urged softly before intertwining their fingers tightly together.

'Because I want you too'.

He knew deep down inside that he had lost something precious - something irreplaceable - something called love that slipped through his fingers like grains of sand drifting away on an endless shore where memories lingered long after they were forgotten by time itself...
Kodi shook her head. 'That's not a reason.'

'Because you're my girl,' Lip said, intertwining their fingers. 'You've always been mine. And... because... Because...'

Kodi looked into Lip's eyes, waiting for those elusive words. But they never came... Those eight letters and three words.. if he would just say them.. everything would change..

Kodi could leave Malakai.
Lip could get his girl back...
But... If he does say 'i love you'
His heart could shatter more so then when he did with Karen... Only difference were... If Kodi was to reject him - his whole world would fall...

'because.. of what.. Lip?'
'I'm sorry, kodi' he said 'I can't.'

Lip's shoulders slumped, and he released her. Looking down..

Why can't he just say it.. why!
Why was Kodi was different.. he told Karen why couldn't he tell Kodi?

It's no wonder why Kodi chose Malakai Maguire over Lip'. It wasn't because she didn't love him - Lip' knew she did. He could see it in the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at him, in the way her hand would reach out for his without hesitation. But it was Malakai who uttered those eight letters that Lip' couldn't seem to utter himself -

'I love you'

And so, despite knowing deep down that he loved her with every fiber of his being, Lip' failed to say those words every time they threatened to escape his lips. And because of that silence, he lost her. Lost Kodi Ball - his best friend, his comfort, and his girl - to Malakai Maguire.

'Dump. Him.' Lip whispers in her ear

"I'm sorry, I can't,' Kodi whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

'We can go back to that, us?' Lip pleaded, his eyes searching hers for any sign of hope.

'I can't do that, Lip,' Kodi replied softly.

'Because of Malakai?' Lip's voice cracked with emotion.

Kodi nodded slowly. 'Yes, because of Malakai.'

'So it's him you choose?' Lip's shoulders slumped in defeat. 'I didn't just lose Karen; I lost you too.'

'You didn't lose me, Phillip Gallagher.' Kodi said as she walked towards him and pressed a tender kiss on his cheek. 'I will always be your girl.'

'No, You're Malakai's now. I have to accept that.... Maybe someday?' Lip's voice was filled with longing.

'Maybe someday,' Kodi echoed softly.

Lip' kissed her forehead 'I adore you, Kodi balls Lip confessed before pulling her close into an embrace.
'Stay please... I don't want to be alone. I'll even watch that love movie you love so much,' Lip offered with a hopeful smile.

'Love Actually?' Kodi asked with a hint of amusement in her eyes as he nodded eagerly... As Lip left to retrieve the movie from Fiona, she entered the room and smiled warmly at Kodi before kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you, sweets."

When Lip returned with the movie in hand, Fiona chuckled softly at his gesture - his willingness to sit through a love story after just being dumped spoke volumes about his feelings for Kodi... Closing the door behind her with a knowing smile, Fiona left them alone to navigate their tangled emotions and uncertain future together.

And as Love Actually played on the screen before them, Lip' Gallagher was determined to win back
Kodi balls heart...

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