022. Philips secret note

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KODI AND MALAKAI'S LIVES.. Had been interwoven by the arrival of their precious bundle of joy. Now, as their little angel lay swaddled in her father's arms, she had officially bid farewell to the hospital, leaving behind 6 pounds of perfect health
However, the road ahead was not without its complexities.Kodi found herself isolated from her Gallagher family, forbidden from their presence by the Maguire clan.

Only her father and Veronica, the ever-loyal sister, remained within her reach. As weekends approached, Kodi sought solace at her father's house, where she could bask in the warmth of his love and care for both her and her daughter.

Malakai, on the other hand, had granted visitation rights solely to Fiona, the Gallagher who had been a pillar of support for Kodi throughout her pregnancy, and the youngest Gallagher siblings...

Fiona, a maternal figure to Kodi, had always extended a helping hand, sharing her wisdom and offering unwavering support.

Debbie, ever the playful and affectionate soul, had quickly formed a bond with Mikayla, the little girl who had brought a ray of sunshine into their lives.

Carl was the oldest dorky brother, that even on days when Malakai was having a bad day, he'd cheer him up, and Liam was just adorable.

The only two who won't allowed to see the Mikayla was Lip and Ian.
As the days turned into weeks, the lines between family and outsiders became blurred.

Kodi yearned for the connection she had once shared with the the Gallagher brothers.

While Malakai struggled to reconcile his past with his present role as a father. The Maguire family, determined to protect their own, remained an impenetrable barrier.
Malakai was contemplating weather his lifestyle and his family business is even save for his child, wanting to go different path..


Mikayla Hope Maguire

Mikayla Hope Maguire

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DEBBIE AND AND CARL MADE THEIR WAY DOWN THR STREET... Approaching Kodi and Malakai's house. As they entered, they found Kodi asleep on the couch, with her young daughter, Mikayla, sitting nearby.

'Hey, little princess,' Debbie said gently. 'How about we let mama sleep? Carl, go put the kettle on.'

Debbie's eyes scanned the room until she spotted a handwritten note lying on the table. She picked it up and read its contents: 'Kods, I've had to do a few errands with my brothers, I'll be back later on tonight. Luv, Kai.'

Debbie sighed inwardly. The Maguire brothers' errands always seemed to end in chaos. She was surprised that Malakai was still at large, considering his past brushes with the law. Pushing the note aside, she walked into the kitchen where Carl was waiting for the kettle to boil.

As Debbie sat patiently, rocking Mikayla in her arms, Veronica entered the room. Her gaze softened as she witnessed the two young siblings tending to the toddler. 'Hey, you two, off to school?' she asked.

'But we-' Debbie began, but Veronica shook her head. 'I have it from here. Go, you have school.'

Debbie and Carl nodded, grabbed their backpacks, and headed for the door. As Debbie turned to leave, she handed the note to Veronica. 'Can you give this to Kodi?'

Veronica accepted it and smiled. 'Sure thing.'

Meanwhile, Kodi stirred slightly on the couch, realizing that Mikayla was no longer in her arms. She noticed Veronica feeding her from a bottle. 'The kettle's hot if you want a coffee?' Veronica offered.

Kodi nodded and walked into the kitchen. 'So, Fiona's pregnant,' Veronica stated casually.

Kodi looked up, startled. 'What?'

'It's the new bloke's baby,' Veronica explained.

'Shit, what's with everyone getting pregnant?' Kodi exclaimed.

Veronica shrugged. 'I don't know, but it's happening.' She cooed at Mikayla. 'Oh, Debbie wanted me to give you this.' She handed Kodi the note.

Kodi unfolded it and read the words penned in Lip's handwriting: 'I miss you, your Philip.'

'Your Philip,' she muttered.

Veronica took the note and grinned. 'Oh, how cute. Don't let Maguire see this, or he'll beat his head in.'

Kodi hid the note, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She knew that Malakai was dangerous, but she couldn't shake the feelings she had for him. As Veronica left with Mikayla in her arms, having a grand-mum for the day.

Kodi was left alone with her thoughts. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, staring at the note in her hand. 'I miss you, too, Phillip,' she whispered softly.

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