017. saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"

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MALAKAI HELPS.. KODI THROUGH THE CROWD.... And to the car park, he can't help the smile on his face from the kiss they shared... "Come on, Kodi let's go, I'll drive you home"

"What about the uncle and vee?"

"Don't worry, they'll be fine. They can make thei own way home." Malakai grabs her hand and leads her to the car."So, where are we going?" Kodi asks as she buckles up.

"To my place." Malakai says simply.
Kodi raises an eyebrow. "Why there?"
Malakai glances at her, a smirk on his lips. "You'll see." He winked

Kodi is a little worried, but also intrigued by his words. What does he have planned? 'you'll see?'

He turns the engine on and speeds...
"Malakai, slow down," she pleads as he drives erratically. "You're gonna get us killed." Malakai ignores her and continues to speed down the street. His heart is racing and his palms are sweaty. He has never been this nervous before. But he has to tell Kodi how he feels, and he can't wait any longer. He can't have her be with Lip... He loves her to much to have Philip Gallagher win... He wasn't going to let him win...

He pulls up outside his house and turns to her. "Kodi, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" she asks, her curiosity piqued. "Remember when you asked, why I came here with you?' kodi nods "I came to the wedding because... because-- You're all I want."

Kodi is stunned. She doesn't know what to say. She sits there in silence, processing his words.

"No you can't, you can't... You can't want me" She shakes her head

he reaches over and holds her hand
"You deserve someone better then me" she says looking at him

"No, I don't, Kodi you're perfect, and I love you"

"No, no you can't.. why why did you have to ruin everything! Why did you-" Malakai cuts her off by kissing her

Malakai goes to kiss her but she pulls away "you can't love me"

Malakai takes her hand and kisses it softly. "I do. I love you, Kodi. And I know you feel the same way. I can see it in your eyes. You can't deny it"

"I - no!" She backs away.. "no! Take me back home, take me home now"

"Kodi, please... NO, Please just listen to me, Kodi... Baby.."

"I am done listening" she gets out of the car and runs, she doesn't care where she's running to.. she had to get away. ... She couldn't hear those words she wasn't ready... He can't love her, he can't..

He can't because, she's not worthy... She -- she's nothing.. Kodi Ball was nothing.. why did he have to say those stupid words..

Malakai gets out of the car and runs after her, his heart pounding....

Yelling for her to come came back, but it wasn't no use... He gets back into the car... Shit... Why did he have to say those stupid eight letters words..

He it had to spoil it all

By saying somethin' stupid like,
"I love you"



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Kodi walked the streets In tears crying. So stupid! Love was so stupid, why did she have to love him... Why did he? Why did he have to spoil it all and say something stupid, like he loves her...

why... why... why?

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hands she knew the answer, why she couldn't say it back.

The same reason she couldn't say it to Lip Gallagher.. because she couldn't love had to be the logical answer right?

Right? Philip Gallagher had a hold on Kodi Ball and the fact was Kodi is his girl... She's his girl...

But... Why couldn't she admit that?
Why couldn't she say 'im your girl Lip'

If she had just said yes, if she had just said I'm yours like he wanted...
None of this would have happened!

All this was her fault... Maybe if she just ends it all, Lip can be happy with Karen without her as a distraction... And Malakai McGuire can find someone who actually can and will love him Because...

Kodi Ball can't..

And maybe if she just leaves....
It'll all be better, they'd be happy..

Stupid, Love • shameless uk Where stories live. Discover now