030. Monica fucking Gallagher

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THE GALLAGHER HOUSEHOLD GATHERED AROUND THE KITCHEN TABLE... Surrounded by a pile of unopened and opened letters...

"What kind of money are we talking?'' Steve asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

''Seven grand so far,'' Lip replied, his voice tinged with disbelief.

''Where did he spend it?'' Steve asked, his annoyance with Frank Gallagher evident in his tone.

''Not the house,'' Lip said.

''Not clothes,'' Ian chimed in.

''Not food,'' Debbie added. Just as the conversation reached a heated peak, Veronica walked in, her presence immediately lightening the mood. 'Here we go. One of the original labour-saving devices, beaten only by the vibrator!' she exclaimed, making them all laugh.

"Veronica!" Fiona scolded, laughing along with the rest of the group.

"What? They all know what a vibrator is," Veronica says, she then points towards Kodi and Lip. 'i bet these two know all about it.' Veronica shot Kodi a pointed look, earning a a finger from Kodi.. Who responded in a mock Eliza Doolittle voice from My Fair Lady, "I'm, innocent I am"

"Oh, piss off," Lip, Ian, Fiona, and Steve all said in unison, causing Kodi to scoff at them.

''That may be, but it's not for discussion in an open house,'' Fiona said, winking at Kodi, who slightly smiled...

"Oh, grow up! Right, if it dries up, just gob on it. See?'' Veronica said, stamping Carl's head. ''Right, kids, what am I doing?''

They all started stamping 'unknown to this house,'


THE GALLAGHERS GATHERED AROUND THE LIVING.. Steve, Veronica, and Kodi joined the fray, each contributing to the haphazard pre-show preparations.

Kodi, her long dreads swaying, perched herself next to Lip on the sofa. Carl, mischievous as ever, grinned impishly and plopped into her lap, winking at her.

Kodi let out a startled laugh, her eyes sparking with amusement. "Hands off" she said, he smirked, playfully batting his hand away from her thigh.

Lip' gives Carl a glare and he surrenders.. siting on Kodi lap

FIONA, WITH A SIGN, DESCENDED THE STAIRS AND ABRUPTLY SHUT OFF THE TELEVISION... Eliciting a chorus of complaints from the Gallaghers.

"I'm going to Sheila's, Mum's round there" she announced.

Monica!! Kodis heart sunk for the Gallaghers..

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