015. Kodi isn't a prize!

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KAREN JACKSON KNEW HOW PHILLIP GALLAGHER FELT ABOUT KODI BALL... Before she had said yes. She knew the amount of times he had beaten blokes up for even flirting with her... You'd think by the way they were with each other they was dating... But they won't.

Karen Jackson, felt guilty because she really did start to like Lip.. so much and she could tell he did with her..
They were both falling, but in the back of her head, there was always a thought was Kodi Ball... 'Lip Gallagher's girl'.... Yes Karen and Lip were enjoying each other's company, dancing and kissing in front of the camera Carl was going around the wedding filming.

They looked happy, it's because they were! But Karen saw the glances Lip would give Kodi.. The way hid eyed shifted with anger at the sight of Malakai McGuire, hands on hips dancing...Taking shot after shot... Everyone could see it, and everyone was waiting for something to happen... But it wasn't!

Didn't mean Lip didn't want to.
He did.... So bad! But he had promised Veronica and Kevin that he'd behave on their wedding day, so the whole time he stayed close to Karen..

Pretending Kodi with Malakai didn't bother him.. it worked for bit.. one thing right bout Karen, she was perfect in the eyes, and great distraction... And boy... When Lip looked into Karen's eyes He can tell that he could him falling.


MEANWHILE KODI... Was beyond happy and that happiness all had to o with the one standing next to her Malakai Maguire!

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" He says leaning in "You did, about dozen" she replies with a giggle, he lifts her up and spins her around... She laughs hugging..

"This is could be us, one day?"

"Your speaking as if we're gonna be together forever?" She says to Malakai

"Because I do, think so.. I could see spending my whole life with you, Kodi" She shakes her head slightly

"Kodi McGuire, I like the sound of that" he says dreamily into her eyes, she bites her lip and smiles..
Lip' and Karen are watching from a Far... "You know the thing about dancing, you can always cut in and ask her to dance" Lip looks at Karen... was his girlfriend saying to go ask another girl out?

"Come on" She slightly shook her head... "Lip' just go ask her, I can see you turning heads every time they kiss.." Karen responds to Lip

"She's with Malakai now?"
"I like you Lip, I do... But I can't deny Kodi and you, and there's always gonna be something there... " He takes another shot and looks at Kodi with malakai "I have to talk to Malakai anyways... So gives you a chance to dance with your girl" Karen says

Walking up to Malakai who refuses to talk to her but Karen being Karen gets her way and the boy... Kodi glaring at her, walking towards her but Mandy and Ian saw and stops her

"Don't start nothing, not here" Mandy says "dance with me?" She hesitantly looks at Mandy and Ian, wanting to go see what they were doing... Now out of sight... What did Karen want with him? "Common Kodi, dance " Ian says pulling her, Mandy one side, Kodi on the other, almost smiling...

Lip smiles at the sight of Kodi not being with Malakai... But hang on.. where is Malakai and Karen?

Lip takes another shot and walks up to Kodi "mind if I cut in?" Lip grabs hrr hand and pulls her in.. resting his hand behind her back and Kodis in behind his neck "you should wear your hair like this more often"
"It's my natural" Kodi says

"I know! I love it" he says leaning in, suddenly turning her around and spinning her around.. which makes her giggle


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