032. Our Girl

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HER SLUMBER WAS BROKEN BY THE FAMILIAR VOICE... Lip' Gallagher. ''Hey, Kods. Come on.'' Lifting her sleep-laden body, he said, ''Hop on me back.'' Without hesitation, Kodi obeyed, nestling her head against his shoulder. ''Where we going?'' she mumbled, still half asleep.

''The Jockey,'' Lip replied.

''Okay,'' she said, her hands encasing the nape of his neck. She failed to notice the tender smile curving his lips...


In the dimly lit confines of The Jockey, a hushed silence fell upon the somber gathering as Kevin grasped the microphone.

'Frank Gallagher,' he began, his voice trembling with emotion, 'was a deeply valued and respected member of this community. He was a good friend and neighbor, and he'll be sorely missed.'

As Kevin uttered those words, an unexpected voice shattered the silence.

'Rubbish!' Kodi yelled, her words cutting through the air like a knife.

Lip's hands tightened around Kodi's, pulling her back behind him. A ripple of laughter spread through the crowd as people muttered under their breath about Frank's true nature.

Undeterred, Kevin continued, 'He once told me in private that if he ever died unexpectedly, there was one thing he'd like said at his wake.'

The coffin lid creaked open, and to the astonishment of everyone present, Frank Gallagher emerged, his voice booming.

'I'm ali-i-ve! Heh-heh-heh!'

The crowd erupted in a chorus of cheers and applause. The Time of Your Life blared from the speakers as Lip pulled Kodi into his arms, twirling her around. Amidst the jubilation, Malakai Maguire approached.

'Mind if I step in?' he asked, his gaze fixed on Kodi.

'You're back, you're back,' Kodi exclaimed, jumping into Malakai's arms.

'I've missed you,' Malakai whispered, kissing her.

'I've missed you too,' Kodi replied.

Malakai turned to Lip. 'Thanks for looking after our girl.'

Lip's eyebrows shot up. 'Our girl?' he asked.

'Our girl!' Malakai confirmed.

Lip nodded, a hint of amusement in his eyes. 'Well, don't make us friends, though.'

'I'd rather drown myself, mate,' Malakai replied with a laugh.

'She's all yours,' Lip said, stepping away and watching Kodi with Malakai.

As Malakai took Kodi's hand, Lip grinned. 'No, she's ours.'

And so, in the heart of the raucous wake, Lip, Malakai, and Kodi danced together, their laughter and happiness filling the air.

Lip' and Malakai may not be friends but they had one thing in common and that was Kodi Ball..



Malakai' downing his beer, while Kodi is laying her head on the pub bench.... He takes her drink and downs that too, and winks at her...
Lip' laughs at malakai shaking his head downing his own.. Kevin looks at his daughter and passes her some water "drink, you need to sober up" she scoffs, turning around hearing Frank sing!

"Who knew frank Gallagher could sing" Kodi laughs grabbing her glass which was empty "oh.. I must of finished it?" Looking at the glass tilting it and turning it upside down. "did I drink this?" Kevin, Malakai and Lip' nod... Hoping she brought her unconvinced smiles... "Oh" Kodi pouts

- Kodi watching frank sing, who is unsurprisingly good, who knew!

Sheila Jackson walks in with Debbie.

"Sheila?" Frank said confused as to why she's here... Or the fact she's left her house... She actually did it...!

Sheila gets up on stage and confesses that she's pregnant and Frank Gallagher's the father..

Oh shit... Another fucking Gallagher! Kodi thought... They just keep breeding


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