CHAPTER 28 -Devil's Sea-

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Ringo POV

I find myself lost amidst the shifting shadows and elusive whispers of my subconscious. The tunnel stretches endlessly before me, a murky abyss that tugs at the edges of my consciousness with its enigmatic allure.

And there, amid the darkness, I catch a fleeting glimpse of a young girl with short black hair, a childlike specter of innocence and wonder. As I gaze upon the young girl with short black hair, a flicker of recognition dances in the depths of my consciousness.

'It's the girl in the photograph... But why is she here?'

At first glance, she bears a striking resemblance to the girl I once glimpsed in a photograph tucked away in Gon's room. The same ebony locks frame her face and the same sparkle of mischief glimmers in her eyes.


My attention snaps to the scene unfolding before me as the girl's face lights up with delight, her eyes alight with anticipation.

'That's right... Her name is also Rin.'

Without hesitation, she darts towards the source of the voice, her laughter echoing through the cavernous tunnel. And there, amidst the shadows, stand two figures, their faces obscured by a veil of uncertainty.

As I watch the young girl with the two boys, a pang of longing stirs within me-a yearning to unravel the secrets that lie hidden behind their blurred faces.

'Who are they?' I wondered.

Friends from a forgotten past, or merely figments of my imagination?

But before I can dwell too long on this cryptic scene, it dissipates into the swirling mist. The air grows thick with fog, obscuring my surroundings and enveloping me in a shroud of confusion.

And then, like a beacon cutting through the fog, another vision emerges. I find myself aboard an airship, the cool breeze caressing my skin as I stand against someone's back, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the storm of my emotions. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, mingling with the hum of the airship's engines.

"You don't have to cry Rin, it wasn't your fault. It never was and I never blame you." The boy said as he rested his hands on my cheeks and moved them to my shoulder.

"You know what brings me my strength back?" He stared at me in the eyes and held out his pinky. "The pinky promise we made."

'Who... Who is he? Why does he keep appearing in my dreams?'

"Well then, I guess you'll need to get used to my smiles because from here on out. I'm never leaving your side. Call me clingy all you want but I'm not letting my eyes off on you. I'm gonna be there for you, always." The words left my mouth as if I were possessed.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

At that moment, a sense of recognition stirs within me, a whisper of familiarity that tugs at the edges of my consciousness. I reach out, my fingers entwining with his in a solemn promise, a vow that resonates with the echoes of time.

"Yubikiri genman, usotsuitara harisenbon no masu~ Sealed it with a kiss~!"

As the dream shifts once more, I find myself enveloped in the tranquil embrace of a forest at night. The gentle rustle of leaves and the soft murmur of the wind seem to echo the rhythm of my own heartbeat as I stand amidst the shadows, the cool night air caressing my skin.

'Where am I now?'

And then, as if emerging from the depths of the night itself, I find myself face to face with the same unknown boy, his features obscured by the darkness that surrounds us. But as I reach out to touch his cheek, a surge of warmth floods through me.

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