Chapter 45: Wake Up Kiddo

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In the week following the fight, Jenna remained unconscious in the med bay of the tower. Despite the medical team's best efforts, they discovered that Jenna was essentially in a state of hibernation. Her body had been severely drained of energy due to the intense use of her powers during the battle. It was as if her internal energy reserves had been completely depleted, and she needed ample time to rest and recuperate.

Each day, Tony would make his way to the medbay, his footsteps echoing through the sterile corridors as he approached Jenna's bedside. "Hey kiddo, I've been working on this new compound for the Avengers. It's going to be amazing," Tony's voice wavered with emotion as he continued to speak to Jenna, his gaze fixed on her still form. "I even made a room for you next to Romanoff" he confessed softly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite the gravity of the situation. "Figured you two could use some bonding time. Plus, it's the best view in the whole compound."

He reached out, gently adjusting the blanket that covered Jenna, his touch careful and tender.  "We're all here for you, waiting for you to come back to us. Just... just wake up, okay?"

Tony's voice trembled with emotion as he continued, his words laced with a mixture of affection and concern. "And you know, the nerd herd can't function properly without its resident genius," he added with a faint chuckle, though the levity in his tone couldn't mask the underlying worry. "We need our brains of the team to keep us in line."

With a sigh, Tony leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Jenna's still form. "So come on, kid" he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur. "It's time to wake up and show us all how it's done." Despite his best efforts, Jenna remained unmoved, her slumber unbroken by Tony's impassioned pleas. 

The following day, Steve stood at Jenna's bedside, "Hey Zero" he began, his voice soft. "We've still been trying to find Bucky. We got a hit somewhere with someone matching his description in France. It's the first lead we've had since we last saw him." He paused, his gaze lingering on Jenna's face, willing her to awaken. "I just wanted you to know," Steve continued, his tone earnest. "Please wake up. I need you to be here when we find him and bring him home." With a heavy sigh, Steve reached out, gently squeezing Jenna's hand in a silent gesture of hope and encouragement. "We're all waiting for you," he whispered, his voice filled with quiet resolve. "Come back to us, Kid. We need you.

In the quiet of the medical room, the air was charged with unspoken emotions as Natasha sat by her side, her gaze lingering on Jenna's peaceful expression.  As Natasha's fingers brushed against Jenna's hand, a soft smile tugged at her lips,  her voice a soothing presence in the stillness of the room. "You should have seen it today," she began, "Wanda, Pietro, and Sam have been training with me and Steve, and let's just say, it's been quite the experience. We were all in the training room, and Sam was determined to spar with Steve," Natasha continued, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "He thought he could take him on" Natasha leaned in closer, her voice laced with humor as she recounted the scene. "Sam was putting up a good fight, but Steve, he had the upper hand. At one point, Sam ended up backing up so far from the ring that he stumbled and fell right out of it" A soft chuckle escaped Natasha's lips as she recalled the sight, the memory bringing a warmth to her heart. "You would have laughed so hard if you saw it," she added, a fond glint in her eyes as she stared down at Jenna's sleeping form.

"Please wake up," she whispered, her words filled with longing. "I miss seeing you, miss seeing your smile, or that stubborn pout you make when you don't get what you want." A soft sigh escaped Natasha's lips as she continued, her voice thick with emotion. "Me and Sam even had to lie to Lily, told her you had to go out of town because of a family emergency," she confessed, her heart heavy with guilt. "She was upset you didn't tell her. So please wake up. We still have plans we gotta do together. We...we still can leave when you wake up. Our plans to disappear together. I need you to wake up so we can do it."  As Natasha spoke, the weight of her love and longing hung heavy in the air, filling the room with a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion.

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