Chapter 80: God?

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Natasha winced as she knelt beside the injured Widow, her concern evident in her eyes. "Hey, don't move, you're hurt. Let me help you," she urged softly, reaching out a hand.

But the Widow's response was unexpected. With a pained grimace, she pulled out a widow bite aiming it at her face. "I don't wanna do this. He's making me". The widow shot herself with the bite, shocking Natasha.

Yelena rushed over, a vial clutched tightly in her hand. "Do you believe me now?" she questioned, as she replaced the vial back in the pack.

Natasha's brow furrowed in concern, "How many others?" she inquired.

Yelena's expression darkened as she replied, "Enough."

Yelena darted out of the alley, and Natasha followed closely behind. As they made their way through the chaos, Natasha's thoughts raced to Jenna. They raced towards a group of motorbikes, Natasha scanning them quickly. "Which one is yours?" she questioned.

Yelena pointed, "black brown seat" she replied.

As Yelena searched for her keys, Natasha reached into her back pocket and tossed them up. Yelena muttered "bitch" in Russian.

"Where is Jenna?" Natasha demanded.

Yelena shook her head, "She crashed into another building. I don't know" she admitted.

Natasha's resolve hardened at the thought of leaving Jenna behind. "We have to find her" she insisted.

But Yelena's priorities lay elsewhere. "No, we need to go. They aren't after her, they're after the vial" she argued.

Natasha's eyes blazed with determination. "No," she said sharply.

Yelena's frustration peaked. "Why is she so important?" she demanded.

Natasha's voice softened but remained resolute. "I need to find her," she said, her eyes conveying the depth of her feelings.

Yelena stared at Natasha, disbelief and confusion mingling in her eyes. "I don't get it," she said, her voice softer but still edged with frustration. "Why risk everything for her?"

"Because she..." Natasha began, but her words were drowned out by the roar of a tank.

Without hesitation, Natasha sprang into action, leaping onto the back of a nearby motorcycle. Natasha glanced at Yelena, her expression urgent. "Any day now"  Yelena nodded, quickly climbing onto the bike behind Natasha. 

With the tank in pursuit, Natasha veered into another narrow alleyway, emerging onto a main street, they were chased by another Widow on a motorbike. The Widow opened fire hitting their tires causing the bike to swerve into a wall crashing them onto the hood of a nearby blue car. As they struggled to regain their bearings, the car's owner emerged, his voice filled with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked in Hungarian, his eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.

Yelena's hand moved swiftly to her gun, aiming it at the man as she spoke in Hungarian, "Fantastic." 

Natasha's eyes widened in alarm as she watched Yelena's actions,  "You can't just steal a guy's car," she protested, but Yelena was already moving, sliding into the passenger seat with practiced ease.

As Natasha reluctantly climbed into the driver seat beside her, Yelena glanced at her, So, you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?" she quipped.

Natasha backs up into the car behind her. "Okay, any time now, please!" Yelena exclaimed.

"Shut up" Natasha shot back.

The Widow above them opened fire, bullets raining down on the car. Natasha drove away, the Widow still hot on their trail. Yelena glanced at Natasha, her expression tense, "Okay, you got a plan? Or shall I just stay duck-and-cover?" she asked.

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