Chapter 56: Me And My Past

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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the apartment. Jenna's living room was a scene of disarray, with empty slushie cups scattered across the floor and more traffic cones haphazardly strewn about.

Sam was the first to wake, his head pounding, he groaned as he shifted on the makeshift bed of pillows and blankets he had assembled on the floor. Rubbing his temples, he struggled to recall the events of the previous night, his memories clouded by the haze of alcohol and laughter.Lily was next, her body tangled in a mess of blankets on the couch. She blinked groggily as she sat up and reached for her phone, squinting at the bright screen as she checked the time. Pietro body was sprawled across the coffee table with a traffic cone perched precariously on his head. Wanda's body curled up in a ball on the floor next to Jenna's bed. She groaned softly as she stretched, her muscles protesting the awkward position in which she had slept. Jenna was the last to wake, her body tangled in a mess of blankets on her bed. With a sigh, she pushed back the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She took her first tentative steps towards the livingroom, her mind still foggy with sleep, she failed to notice the figure curled up on the floor beside her bed her foot collided with something soft and yielding, eliciting a startled yelp from the person below. Wanda. Her eyes flying open as she cried out in surprise.

"Ow! What the hell, Jenna?!" Wanda exclaimed, her voice tinged with pain as she rubbed her side where Jenna's foot had landed.

"Oops, sorry about that" Jenna apologized,as she extended a hand to help Wanda to her feet. "I didn't see you there."

As the group slowly made their way to the kitchen counter, there was array of breakfast foods lay spread out before them. Bagels, pastries, and fruit filled the table, accompanied by steaming cups of coffee and juice. A note, written in Tony's distinctive handwriting, lay next to the food.

"Sorry for the abrupt exit," the note read. "Had to head out before Pepper woke up. Enjoy breakfast on me. -Tony."

Without hesitation, Lily darted straight for the strawberry pancakes. But as she reached out to grab one, she noticed Wanda standing nearby, her gaze fixed on the pancakes with longing.

Lily called out to Wanda , her voice warm and inviting. "You want to share? I am not going to finish it all". Jenna couldn't help but smirk at the exchange, a memory flashing through her mind of the time she witnessed Lily devouring a four-stacked pancake all by herself.

Wanda's eyes widened in surprise at Lily's offer, "Yes, please" she replied, her voice tinged with excitement as she reached out to accept the pancake from Lily.

Meanwhile, Sam and Pietro found themselves drawn to the donuts displayed on the table. Their eyes locked onto the sugary treats, their mouths watering as they both reached out to grab one. But as their hands closed in on the same donut, a playful tug-of-war ensued.

The sudden ringing of Sam's phone pierced through the morning calm. Sam quickly grabbed his phone and answered the call, holding it to his ear as he listened intently. But as soon as he heard Steve's booming voice on the other end, his eyes widened in alarm. Steve's voice was so loud that even those across the room could hear him.

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? IT'S NOON AND WE ARE ON STANDBY!" Steve's voice echoed through the room.

Lily couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the comically loud volume of Steve's voice. She exchanged amused glances with Jenna, who wore a smirk of her own.

Trying to keep her laughter in check, Lily leaned in closer to Sam, "I forgot you are an Avenger now."

"Yeah, Steve, we're on our way," he replied, his voice slightly strained as he attempted to match Steve's volume.

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