Chapter 48: Capture The Memory

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Natasha sat alone in her room, the soft glow of the lamp casting shadows across the walls. In her hands, she held the flashdrive—the one that contained everything she knew about Jenna, everything she had learned working together. Being together.

Her thumb hovered over the edge of the file, her hand trembling slightly as she considered her next move. For hours now, Natasha had been wrestling with her conscience.

But now, as she stared down at the drive in her hands, Natasha felt a sense of unease creeping over her. Despite everything, despite the lies and the betrayal, there was a part of her that still cared about Jenna—a part of her that couldn't bear to see Jenna hurt.  To hell with some part, every part of her still cared for Jenna.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and the flash drive between her fingers. With one swift, decisive motion, Natasha snapped the flash drive in half, the plastic casing giving way with a sharp crack.

As Natasha stared at the broken pieces of the flash drive in her hand, the sound of the plastic shattering echoed in the quiet of her room. It was as if each crack and snap reverberated through her soul, a stark reminder of the trust that she had shattered.  Natasha couldn't help but see a reflection of Jenna shattered in the broken fragments before her. Each piece represented a fracture in their relationship, a betrayal that had torn them apart. And just like the plastic casing, Jenna's trust had been fragile, easily broken by Natasha.

As Natasha looked around her room, she couldn't help but notice the subtle reminders of Jenna that surrounded her. On the table beside her bed, a book lay open—a book that Jenna had left to finish after one of their late night snacking. With a heavy heart, Natasha reached out, her fingers tracing the edges of the book lovingly. It was a small gesture, but it held a wealth of memories—

Natasha had her head nestled in Jenna's lap, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. The soft cadence of Jenna's voice as she read aloud from the book filled the room.

Natasha found herself mesmerized by the movement of Jenna's lips. Natasha couldn't help but let out a snort of amusement. Jenna looked down at her with a playful glint in her eye, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Seriously?" Natasha exclaimed, unable to contain her laughter. "Who does that?" refering to the context of the book.

As they both laughed, Natasha felt a warmth spread through her chest—a warmth that had nothing to do with the book they were reading.  "Are you hungry?" Jenna asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Natasha nodded and reached for the book, placing it gently on the bedside table before standing up and offering Jenna a hand.

Natasha gaze drifting to the collection of Polaroids that adorned the edges of her mirror. Her eyes landed on one particular photograph—a picture of her and Jenna on what had been their impromptu museum date. In the photo, Jenna stood beside her, her eyes fixed on a statue looming above them, her expression one of awe and wonder.

Natasha couldn't help but smile as she remembered that day—the way Jenna's eyes had lit up  as wandered through the museum.

In the halls of the museum, Natasha and Jenna wandered hand in hand, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors. Jenna's eyes sparkled with excitement as she eagerly pointed out each exhibit, "Nat, look at this!" Jenna exclaimed, tugging Natasha towards a particularly striking statue of a woman. "Isn't she breathtaking?"

Natasha couldn't help but smile at Jenna's awe-filled expression, her heart swelling with affection. But instead of voicing her agreement, she feigned jealousy, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Maybe we should stop coming to museums," Natasha teased. "Seems like you've found someone else to admire."

Jenna laughed, the sound light and melodic as she leaned in closer to Natasha.  She replied, her voice soft. "I like you a little bit more than these statues, just a little bit though." Jenna pressed a kiss to Natasha's cheek, her lips warm against her skin. 

Natasha seized the opportunity, reaching over to grab her camera from where it hung around her arm . With practiced ease, she snapped a picture of them. As the camera clicked, Jenna pulled back, a mischievous glint in her eye. "What was that for?" she asked.

Natasha shrugged, a smile playing at her lips. "Just wanted to capture the memory" .

Natasha's gaze drifted from the mirror to her bed, where a small penguin sat perched on the edge, its black and white feathers slightly rumpled. Next to the penguin sat a teddy bear, worn and well-loved, its fur slightly faded from years of being cuddled. 

With a heavy heart, Natasha reached out, her fingers tracing the contours of the penguin's soft feathers not daring to touch the bear. She couldn't help but feel a pang of longing.

As Natasha looked at Jenna, a playful glint in her eye, she couldn't help but smile. "What are you hiding?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Jenna shifted slightly, a mischievous smile playing at her lips as she kept her hands firmly behind her back. "Nothing," she replied, her voice teasing.

Natasha raised an eyebrow, her smirk growing wider. Without warning, she lunged forward, tackling Jenna onto the bed with a playful giggle. They both laughed as they tumbled onto the soft mattress. "Alright, alright, I surrender," Jenna said, her laughter bubbling over as she revealed what she had been hiding—a teddy bear clutched in her hands. Not any teddy bear. The same one Natasha held her first night at Jenna's apartment.

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise as she saw the familiar plush toy. "You brought Mr. Bear" she exclaimed, a warmth spreading through her chest at the sight of Jenna's beloved childhood companion.

Jenna nodded, a fond smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, he looks like he needs a friend" she said, gesturing towards the penguin sitting on the edge of the bed. Natasha chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "What should we name him?" Jenna asked, her eyes sparkling.

Natasha blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the question. "Name him?" she repeated, a playful grin tugging at her lips. "You're such a dork."

Jenna laughed, reaching out to playfully swat at Natasha's arm. "Come on, humor me".

With a dramatic sigh, Natasha relented. "Fine," she said, her voice mock-serious. "How about... Percy?"

Jenna wrinkled her nose in mock-disapproval. "Percy? Seriously?" she teased.

Natasha shrugged, a grin spreading across her face. "Hey, it's a good name" she replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

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