Chapter 62: New Years Party

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Wanda, Jenna, and Natasha strolled through the bustling streets of downtown, their laughter mingling with the chatter of shoppers around them. They were on a mission today, but not just any mission – they were on a quest to find Wanda the perfect dress for Tony's New Year's party.

"So, Wanda, any ideas on what kind of dress you're looking for?" Jenna asked, her eyes scanning the storefronts for potential candidates.

Wanda shrugged, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I'm not really sure. Something elegant, I guess?"

Natasha nodded in agreement. "We can work with that. How about we start with something classic, like a little black dress?"

Wanda nodded, her expression thoughtful. "That sounds like a good."

As they stepped into the first boutique, Jenna and Natasha wasted no time in pulling dresses off the racks, their hands moving with practiced ease as they selected options for Wanda to try on.

"Here, try this one," Natasha suggested, holding up a sleek black dress with intricate lace detailing.

"And maybe this one with a bit more sparkle," Jenna added, selecting a dress adorned with sequins and beads.

Wanda hesitated for a moment before reluctantly taking the dresses from Jenna and Natasha. Jenna flashed her a reassuring smile. "You'll look amazing, Wanda. Trust us". The two found themselves caught up in the excitement of helping Wanda find the perfect dress. Dress after dress was piled onto Wanda, the trio getting more and more carried away with each passing moment.

"Maybe this one?" Natasha suggested, holding up a vibrant red gown.

"Or how about this one?" Jenna added, draping a flowy blue dress over Wanda's arm.

Before they knew it, Wanda was buried under a mountain of clothes, the fabric obscuring her face as she struggled to maintain her balance.

"Hey, Wanda, are you okay?" Jenna asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

There was no response, just a muffled sound from beneath the pile of clothes.

Jenna and Natasha exchanged a worried glance before turning their attention back to Wanda. "Wanda?" Natasha called out, her voice tinged with amusement.

Jenna and Natasha sifted through racks of dresses in the boutique, each one more stunning than the last. Jenna ran her fingers over the fabric of a black dress, admiring the elegant silhouette.

"What do you think of this one?" Natasha asked, holding up a sleek black dress.

Jenna turned to her, her eyes lighting up. "It's gorgeous" she replied.

Natasha arched an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing on her lips as she glanced at the dress Jenna had been eyeing but in red. "You should try the red one" she remarked, her tone teasing.

Jenna nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. "Red it is" she confirmed, holding up the dress with a grin.

Wanda caught sight of Jenna in the vibrant red dress and her eyes widened in admiration. "Wow" she breathed, her gaze lingering on Jenna's figure.

Natasha smirked, her plan unfolding perfectly as she watched Wanda's reaction. She knew she had made the right choice.

Wanda hesitated in front of the mirror, uncertain about the stunning black dress she wore, Jenna and Natasha exchanged knowing glances. They could both see how perfect it was for her, how it accentuated her figure.

"It's beautiful, Wanda" Jenna said, her voice filled with sincerity as she adjusted a stray strand of hair. "It's like it was made for you." Natasha nodded in agreement, a soft smile playing on her lips.

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